PCOS:  Expert Explains about Myths & Facts on Diagnosis, Treatment & Fertility
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PCOS: Expert Explains about Myths & Facts on Diagnosis, Treatment & Fertility
Did you know that C-section rate in Indian private hospitals is alarmingly high?
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Did you know that C-section rate in Indian private hospitals is alarmingly high?
Why is the rate of C - section in India staggeringly high?  #csectionbirth #cesareanbirth
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Why is the rate of C - section in India staggeringly high? #csectionbirth #cesareanbirth
What Pregnant Couples Must Know About C-Sections & Birthing in India | Dr. Evita Fernandez Explains
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What Pregnant Couples Must Know About C-Sections & Birthing in India | Dr. Evita Fernandez Explains
Male Infertility: Causes, Solutions, and Why IVF Isn’t Always the Answer |Dr. Sunil Ishwar Explains.
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Male Infertility: Causes, Solutions, and Why IVF Isn’t Always the Answer |Dr. Sunil Ishwar Explains.
How I Ran a Half Marathon While Pregnant: Shruti’s Bold Pregnancy Journey
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How I Ran a Half Marathon While Pregnant: Shruti’s Bold Pregnancy Journey
IVF is the only solution for Low AMH levels  #conceptionjourney   #ivfstory  #conceivenaturally
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IVF is the only solution for Low AMH levels #conceptionjourney #ivfstory #conceivenaturally
Can You Conceive Naturally with Low AMH? Dr. Sunil Ishwar Explains ft. iMumz | What is Low AMH?
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Can You Conceive Naturally with Low AMH? Dr. Sunil Ishwar Explains ft. iMumz | What is Low AMH?
Conceive naturally
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Conceive naturally
Pregnancy is beyond scans and supplements
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Pregnancy is beyond scans and supplements
Unveil the secrets of Garbh Sanskaar🤰 ....#pregnancytips #prenatalcare #garbhsanskar
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Unveil the secrets of Garbh Sanskaar🤰 ....#pregnancytips #prenatalcare #garbhsanskar
Curious about Garbh Samwad?👀 #garbhsanskar #pregnancytips #pregnancyadvice
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Curious about Garbh Samwad?👀 #garbhsanskar #pregnancytips #pregnancyadvice
keep onself positive and stress free during pregnancy#garbhsanskaar #pregnancy #pregnancytips
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keep onself positive and stress free during pregnancy#garbhsanskaar #pregnancy #pregnancytips
3 Movements to help make room for your Baby🤰😋💕#labourprep #pregnancyyoga #pregnancytips
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3 Movements to help make room for your Baby🤰😋💕#labourprep #pregnancyyoga #pregnancytips
Does your husband annoy you?#pregnancy #pregnancy #childbirth #womensday #pregnancycoach
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Does your husband annoy you?#pregnancy #pregnancy #childbirth #womensday #pregnancycoach
Share and Save this reel🚀📧Follow us for more intriguing content🥰 #pregnancy #pregnancytips #books
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Share and Save this reel🚀📧Follow us for more intriguing content🥰 #pregnancy #pregnancytips #books
Were you able to guess the answers ? #pregnancy #pregnancy_world
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Were you able to guess the answers ? #pregnancy #pregnancy_world
Happy Womben’s Day👑✨🥂💕👯‍♀️Share this with your pasandeeda aurat🚀#womensday
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Happy Womben’s Day👑✨🥂💕👯‍♀️Share this with your pasandeeda aurat🚀#womensday
Approaching the end of pregnancy means it’s time to give your body some extra love
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Approaching the end of pregnancy means it’s time to give your body some extra love
TRYING TO CONCEIVE naturally?💕#pregnancyyoga #infertility #fertility #conceive #pregnant #yoga
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TRYING TO CONCEIVE naturally?💕#pregnancyyoga #infertility #fertility #conceive #pregnant #yoga
Still waiting…Baby’s got their own schedule!   #30weeks #32weeks #pregnancy #pregnancyannouncement
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Still waiting…Baby’s got their own schedule! #30weeks #32weeks #pregnancy #pregnancyannouncement
DON’T HOLD YOUR BREATH!! pregnancyyoga #birthbreathing #breathe #breath #movements #hypnobirthing
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
DON’T HOLD YOUR BREATH!! pregnancyyoga #birthbreathing #breathe #breath #movements #hypnobirthing
How is your midnight snacking going on Mommies?🍟🥨 #breastfeeding #babyontheway #caloriecountingmeals
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
How is your midnight snacking going on Mommies?🍟🥨 #breastfeeding #babyontheway #caloriecountingmeals
Bhut kuuuute log hi honge jo Valentines date prep karre honge🥰💕🫶😻#pregnancylife #pregnant #valentine
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Bhut kuuuute log hi honge jo Valentines date prep karre honge🥰💕🫶😻#pregnancylife #pregnant #valentine
Glow everyday with this safe for pregnancy skin care regime✨🫶💕 #pregancytips #skincare #routine
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Glow everyday with this safe for pregnancy skin care regime✨🫶💕 #pregancytips #skincare #routine
Comment down what you got⤵️No cheating🔫
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Comment down what you got⤵️No cheating🔫
Oh common, I don’t look that pregnant😤🥲Or Do I? Mommies comment and let us know🤰 #pregancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Oh common, I don’t look that pregnant😤🥲Or Do I? Mommies comment and let us know🤰 #pregancytips
How to deliver naturally when the baby is in breech presentation #pregancytips #naturaldelivery
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
How to deliver naturally when the baby is in breech presentation #pregancytips #naturaldelivery
What is Beej Sanskar?
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
What is Beej Sanskar?
3rd-trimester exercises to keep you and your baby healthy 🤰👶🏻 #pregnancytips #pregnancy
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
3rd-trimester exercises to keep you and your baby healthy 🤰👶🏻 #pregnancytips #pregnancy
2nd-trimester exercises for our amazing moms-to-be🤰#pregnancytips #prenatalyoga #2ndtrimester
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2nd-trimester exercises for our amazing moms-to-be🤰#pregnancytips #prenatalyoga #2ndtrimester
Common fear during pregnancy #pregnancytips
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Common fear during pregnancy #pregnancytips
3 most important exercises for natural delivery #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
3 most important exercises for natural delivery #pregnancytips
Leaks during pregnancy? #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Leaks during pregnancy? #pregnancytips
Preparing for motherhood: Essential steps for a stress free & joyful journey #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Preparing for motherhood: Essential steps for a stress free & joyful journey #pregnancytips
Choosing the right exercise ball during pregnancy is key #pregnacytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Choosing the right exercise ball during pregnancy is key #pregnacytips
Ancient history of Garbh Sanskar #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Ancient history of Garbh Sanskar #pregnancytips
Busting myths about exercise in pregnancy
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Busting myths about exercise in pregnancy
Join 2-Day Garbh Sanskar Workshop, Link in pinned comment
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Join 2-Day Garbh Sanskar Workshop, Link in pinned comment
If the mother is active during her pregnancy then the baby will be very active after birth
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
If the mother is active during her pregnancy then the baby will be very active after birth
Tips for swollen legs. Do try them! #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Tips for swollen legs. Do try them! #pregnancytips
Brain development of your baby in the womb #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Brain development of your baby in the womb #pregnancytips
Preparation led to a perfect birth! #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Preparation led to a perfect birth! #pregnancytips
Father's role in pregnancy #pregnancytips
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Father's role in pregnancy #pregnancytips
Importance of Garbh Sanskar #pregnacytips
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Importance of Garbh Sanskar #pregnacytips
The Disturbing Reality of Disrespectful Maternity Care in India #pregnancycomplications
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
The Disturbing Reality of Disrespectful Maternity Care in India #pregnancycomplications
when to meet the doctor if you don't feel your baby movements #pregnancycomplications
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
when to meet the doctor if you don't feel your baby movements #pregnancycomplications
Did you know warm water can help with contraction too? #pregnancytips #pregnancycomplications
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Did you know warm water can help with contraction too? #pregnancytips #pregnancycomplications
Do you know the rate of c-section is 85% in India? #pregnancycomplications
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Do you know the rate of c-section is 85% in India? #pregnancycomplications
Simple ways to count your baby movements #pregnancytips
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Simple ways to count your baby movements #pregnancytips
What Ayurveda says about warm water in pregnancy #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
What Ayurveda says about warm water in pregnancy #pregnancytips
The pregnancy Podcast: C-section in India #pregnancycomplications
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The pregnancy Podcast: C-section in India #pregnancycomplications
It is very scary when you don't feel your baby's movements #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
It is very scary when you don't feel your baby's movements #pregnancytips
5 reasons why you should drink warm water in pregnancy #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
5 reasons why you should drink warm water in pregnancy #pregnancytips
C-section rates skyrocketing in India #pregnancycomplications
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
C-section rates skyrocketing in India #pregnancycomplications
the magic of water in pregnancy #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
the magic of water in pregnancy #pregnancytips
Cord around the babies neck #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Cord around the babies neck #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
Feel your baby's movement for the first time #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Feel your baby's movement for the first time #pregnancytips
Why Should you drink Hot Water during Pregnancy? #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Why Should you drink Hot Water during Pregnancy? #pregnancytips
Shubh Muhurat for delivery? are you considering this? #pregnancycomplications
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Shubh Muhurat for delivery? are you considering this? #pregnancycomplications
Have you tried bonding with your little one dad? #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Have you tried bonding with your little one dad? #pregnancytips
Unlock Your Child's Potential: The Surprising Benefits of Smartphone Use #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Unlock Your Child's Potential: The Surprising Benefits of Smartphone Use #pregnancytips
Swimming is not good during pregnancy?? #pregnancytips #pregnancycomplications
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Swimming is not good during pregnancy?? #pregnancytips #pregnancycomplications
Flight tips for mum-to-be #pregnancytips
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Flight tips for mum-to-be #pregnancytips
Baby bumps come in all shapes & sizes #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Baby bumps come in all shapes & sizes #pregnancytips
Garbh Samwaad in pregnancy #pregnancytips #pregnancycomplications
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Garbh Samwaad in pregnancy #pregnancytips #pregnancycomplications
Were you already getting these postures right? #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Were you already getting these postures right? #pregnancytips
Mobile phone: safe or harmful in pregnancy #pregnancycomplications
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Mobile phone: safe or harmful in pregnancy #pregnancycomplications
Signs of early labours in pregnancy #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Signs of early labours in pregnancy #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
Multiple cords around babies neck but have faith in the process #pregnancycomplications
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Multiple cords around babies neck but have faith in the process #pregnancycomplications
Sleepless nights? We got you there #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Sleepless nights? We got you there #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
Meditation in medication #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
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Meditation in medication #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
Posture tips for pregnancy
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Posture tips for pregnancy
Choices for a memorable & natural birthing experience #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Choices for a memorable & natural birthing experience #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
Iron supplements in pregnancy #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Iron supplements in pregnancy #pregnancytips
How can emotions impact your baby in the womb? #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
How can emotions impact your baby in the womb? #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
Stay calm and get ready to welcome your baby! #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Stay calm and get ready to welcome your baby! #pregnancytips
Is child birth education important? #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Is child birth education important? #pregnancytips
The power of meditation & yoga in pregnancy #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
The power of meditation & yoga in pregnancy #pregnancytips
What's your favorite dried fruit? Mumma!🤰#pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
What's your favorite dried fruit? Mumma!🤰#pregnancytips
How meditation can help in pregnancy explained #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
How meditation can help in pregnancy explained #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
What are birthing options a pregnant woman can have? #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
What are birthing options a pregnant woman can have? #pregnancytips
Can we lift heavy things in pregnancy? #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Can we lift heavy things in pregnancy? #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
Is C-section necessary apart from complications? #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Is C-section necessary apart from complications? #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
Unnecessary C-section harming future generations? #pregnancycomplications
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Unnecessary C-section harming future generations? #pregnancycomplications
Your sleeping and sitting position can cause back pain in pregnancy #pregnancycomplications
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Your sleeping and sitting position can cause back pain in pregnancy #pregnancycomplications
Simple yet powerful adjustment that can prevent back pain in pregnancy #pragnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Simple yet powerful adjustment that can prevent back pain in pregnancy #pragnancytips
Common causes of back pain in pregnancy #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Common causes of back pain in pregnancy #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
Empower your birthing journey! 🌟 Prioritize safety but trust your body's ability for a natural birth
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Empower your birthing journey! 🌟 Prioritize safety but trust your body's ability for a natural birth
Dr. Sneha Shah talks about empowering choices in childbirth, and pain coping strategies #pragnancy
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Dr. Sneha Shah talks about empowering choices in childbirth, and pain coping strategies #pragnancy
Dr. Sneha Shah talks about importance of optimal cord clamping after delivery of a child #pregnancy
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Dr. Sneha Shah talks about importance of optimal cord clamping after delivery of a child #pregnancy
Every Pregnant Mother Should Watch This | The Pregnancy Podcast ft. Raviteja & Dr. Sneha Shah
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Every Pregnant Mother Should Watch This | The Pregnancy Podcast ft. Raviteja & Dr. Sneha Shah
Dealing with pregnancy sleeplessness?🫃 💤 Dr. Sneha shares valuable tips to help you sleep better
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Dealing with pregnancy sleeplessness?🫃 💤 Dr. Sneha shares valuable tips to help you sleep better
Dr. Sneha talks about how normal it is for pregnant women to fear labor. #pragnancytips #pregnancy
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Dr. Sneha talks about how normal it is for pregnant women to fear labor. #pragnancytips #pregnancy
Is it possible to have a natural delivery after a C-Section?Dr. Janhavi Nilekani says Yes. #pregnant
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Is it possible to have a natural delivery after a C-Section?Dr. Janhavi Nilekani says Yes. #pregnant
High C-section rates in India - What's your take?#csection #csection #csectionrecovery
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
High C-section rates in India - What's your take?#csection #csection #csectionrecovery
Why C-section rates are very high in India? The Pregnancy Podcast ft. Raviteja & Dr.Janhavi Nilekani
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Why C-section rates are very high in India? The Pregnancy Podcast ft. Raviteja & Dr.Janhavi Nilekani
Common reasons for back pain in pregnancy #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips
iMumz - Pregnancy & Parenting
Common reasons for back pain in pregnancy #pregnancycomplications #pregnancytips