How Diet and Lifestyle Helps Stroke Recovery
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
How Diet and Lifestyle Helps Stroke Recovery
Longevity Foods Aren't What You Think
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Longevity Foods Aren't What You Think
Nothing like a dog in a spiritual ceremony to improve the vibe :)
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Nothing like a dog in a spiritual ceremony to improve the vibe :)
What are the challenges faced by #women today? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
What are the challenges faced by #women today? | BetterBrain.Info
Why Do #Antidepressants Only Work Part of the Time?  | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Why Do #Antidepressants Only Work Part of the Time? | BetterBrain.Info
It takes Two Weeks for an Antidepressant to Start Working - LEARN WHY
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
It takes Two Weeks for an Antidepressant to Start Working - LEARN WHY
Break Free from the Chains of Stigma | Betterbrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Break Free from the Chains of Stigma | Betterbrain.Info
Did you know that our #emotions and lifestyle impact the balance of our bodies?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Did you know that our #emotions and lifestyle impact the balance of our bodies?
What will slow down the diagnosis and development of various disorders in our future generations?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
What will slow down the diagnosis and development of various disorders in our future generations?
Is it possible to taper off Depression Medication?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Is it possible to taper off Depression Medication?
Can antidepressants provide a lasting solution for brain health issues? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Can antidepressants provide a lasting solution for brain health issues? | BetterBrain.Info
How Can We Regain Control over our #thoughts and #emotions? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
How Can We Regain Control over our #thoughts and #emotions? | BetterBrain.Info
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD): Understanding Their Thoughts and Ideas
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD): Understanding Their Thoughts and Ideas
Why is our #brain closely connected to our #kidney? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Why is our #brain closely connected to our #kidney? | BetterBrain.Info
How Important Brain Health Is? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
How Important Brain Health Is? | BetterBrain.Info
A Small Change to our Daily Routine can have a Profound Impact on our Health | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
A Small Change to our Daily Routine can have a Profound Impact on our Health | BetterBrain.Info
Are #PEMF devices designed for specific conditions, or do they provide general health benefits?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Are #PEMF devices designed for specific conditions, or do they provide general health benefits?
Why is it Necessary to Connect with a Professional Practitioner for our Children's Health?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Why is it Necessary to Connect with a Professional Practitioner for our Children's Health?
Our #culture affects our #emotions | How is that Possible?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Our #culture affects our #emotions | How is that Possible?
How Powerful #Connection is to our lives? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
How Powerful #Connection is to our lives? | BetterBrain.Info
How can we  protect our bodies and boost our overall #wellbeing? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
How can we protect our bodies and boost our overall #wellbeing? | BetterBrain.Info
This is Why You Need to Prioritize #SelfCare | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
This is Why You Need to Prioritize #SelfCare | BetterBrain.Info
Did you know that social connection is the number one predictor of #happiness? - Here's Why.
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Did you know that social connection is the number one predictor of #happiness? - Here's Why.
Are you a mom with a 12 or 13 year old diagnosed with #ADHD? THIS IS FOR YOU! - WATCH NOW
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Are you a mom with a 12 or 13 year old diagnosed with #ADHD? THIS IS FOR YOU! - WATCH NOW
What is the optimal intensity of the magnetic field with PEMFs to reduce inflammation?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
What is the optimal intensity of the magnetic field with PEMFs to reduce inflammation?
What else can we do to treat the brain with PEMFs devices? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
What else can we do to treat the brain with PEMFs devices? | BetterBrain.Info
Controlling our Emotions: Why is it Necessary and Beneficial | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Controlling our Emotions: Why is it Necessary and Beneficial | BetterBrain.Info
Is it Okay to Cry when Overwhelmed with Emotions? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Is it Okay to Cry when Overwhelmed with Emotions? | BetterBrain.Info
Did you know that stress impacts our microbiome? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Did you know that stress impacts our microbiome? | BetterBrain.Info
Gut-Brain Microbiome: It's role in the Development of Disorders
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Gut-Brain Microbiome: It's role in the Development of Disorders
Protecting our bodies from the harmful effects of EMFs: Can it be done?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Protecting our bodies from the harmful effects of EMFs: Can it be done?
EMFs vs. PEMFs: Understanding the Difference and Potential Harm
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
EMFs vs. PEMFs: Understanding the Difference and Potential Harm
Unlocking the Link Between Emotions and Chronic Disease with Dr. Ruth Allan | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Unlocking the Link Between Emotions and Chronic Disease with Dr. Ruth Allan | BetterBrain.Info
Sleep contributes to A LOT of developmental mood disorders - Why is that?! | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Sleep contributes to A LOT of developmental mood disorders - Why is that?! | BetterBrain.Info
Simple Explanations for Fibromyalgia - Linda Harris Full Interview Fibromyalgia
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Simple Explanations for Fibromyalgia - Linda Harris Full Interview Fibromyalgia
How does Nutrition play a vital role in Developmental and Mood Issues? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
How does Nutrition play a vital role in Developmental and Mood Issues? | BetterBrain.Info
Why are human #emotions so powerful? | Dr. Ruth Allan at BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Why are human #emotions so powerful? | Dr. Ruth Allan at BetterBrain.Info
What are the challenges faced by #women today? | Dr. Anita Jackson at BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
What are the challenges faced by #women today? | Dr. Anita Jackson at BetterBrain.Info
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): How Does it Work? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): How Does it Work? | BetterBrain.Info
Is it Really Possible to Retrain Automatic Responses? | Dr. Ruth Allan
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Is it Really Possible to Retrain Automatic Responses? | Dr. Ruth Allan
Does our Culture Affects our Emotions? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Does our Culture Affects our Emotions? | BetterBrain.Info
What causes Low Iron Levels? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
What causes Low Iron Levels? | BetterBrain.Info
Digital Devices and Social Media: How does it Impact our Development and Mood?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Digital Devices and Social Media: How does it Impact our Development and Mood?
PEMF Therapy: How does the Electromagnetic Field (EMF) penetrates our bodies?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
PEMF Therapy: How does the Electromagnetic Field (EMF) penetrates our bodies?
Why is it Necessary to Check-in with our Emotions? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Why is it Necessary to Check-in with our Emotions? | BetterBrain.Info
What are the Five Key Pillars to Maintaining Optimal #BrainHealth ? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
What are the Five Key Pillars to Maintaining Optimal #BrainHealth ? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Why is Mood and Developmental Disabilities are on the rise in adult populations? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Why is Mood and Developmental Disabilities are on the rise in adult populations? | BetterBrain.Info
Are #mood and #developmentaldisabilities common in children?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Are #mood and #developmentaldisabilities common in children?
Why Chefs Should Collaborate with Healthcare Organizations for Personalized Health
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Why Chefs Should Collaborate with Healthcare Organizations for Personalized Health
Power HER Success: Dr. Anita Jackson's Journey
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Power HER Success: Dr. Anita Jackson's Journey
Neurofeedback: The Remarkable Results from Patients using Myndlift
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Neurofeedback: The Remarkable Results from Patients using Myndlift
Neurofeedback: Quantifying and Understanding Brain Health | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Neurofeedback: Quantifying and Understanding Brain Health | BetterBrain.Info
How can we STOP generational chronic disease? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
How can we STOP generational chronic disease? | BetterBrain.Info
Is #neurofeedback really effective on its own?  | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Is #neurofeedback really effective on its own? | BetterBrain.Info
Omega 3: Are you getting what you've paid for? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Omega 3: Are you getting what you've paid for? | BetterBrain.Info
Incorporate the Culinary World into the Medical World - Is it Possible?! | BetterBraiin.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Incorporate the Culinary World into the Medical World - Is it Possible?! | BetterBraiin.Info
Omega 3s Direct Impact on Healing Brain Injuries | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Omega 3s Direct Impact on Healing Brain Injuries | BetterBrain.Info
Omega 3: Are we overdosing? What are the potential risks?!
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Omega 3: Are we overdosing? What are the potential risks?!
#Coaching: The Key to Healing and Brain Health
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
#Coaching: The Key to Healing and Brain Health
Does #neurofeedback Really Work? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Does #neurofeedback Really Work? | BetterBrain.Info
Caregiver Syndrome: How it Affects our Mental Health | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Caregiver Syndrome: How it Affects our Mental Health | BetterBrain.Info
What is the Optimal Dose of Fish Oil for our Health? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
What is the Optimal Dose of Fish Oil for our Health? | BetterBrain.Info
Food as Medicine for #BrainHealth - How is that Possible? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Food as Medicine for #BrainHealth - How is that Possible? | BetterBrain.Info
Omega-3: How much Fish Oil should we take? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Omega-3: How much Fish Oil should we take? | BetterBrain.Info
#Neurofeedback: Who are the perfect people for this therapy?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
#Neurofeedback: Who are the perfect people for this therapy?
Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine: The Doctor Kitchen Program
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine: The Doctor Kitchen Program
Is Ketogenic Diet for Everyone? | Chef Health Coach Ikaika Molina
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Is Ketogenic Diet for Everyone? | Chef Health Coach Ikaika Molina
Brain Healing: What are the missing crucial elements from current practices?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Brain Healing: What are the missing crucial elements from current practices?
Omega-3: When should we start incorporating it in our bodies?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Omega-3: When should we start incorporating it in our bodies?
The Incredible Power of the #ingredients in your own Kitchen | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
The Incredible Power of the #ingredients in your own Kitchen | BetterBrain.Info
Healthy Food at Home: Reduced Refined #carbohydrates | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Healthy Food at Home: Reduced Refined #carbohydrates | BetterBrain.Info
Traumatic Brain Injury: Omega-3 a wall for Prevention
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Traumatic Brain Injury: Omega-3 a wall for Prevention
Omega-3: How to Heal from Traumatic Brain Injuries
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Omega-3: How to Heal from Traumatic Brain Injuries
Myndlift: Why is it a MUST-HAVE?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Myndlift: Why is it a MUST-HAVE?
#Myndlift: A #Neurofeedback Technology at Home
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
#Myndlift: A #Neurofeedback Technology at Home
Power HER Success: The Importance of Daily Affirmations | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Power HER Success: The Importance of Daily Affirmations | BetterBrain.Info
Power HER Success: The Struggles of #Women during and after the #Pandemic | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Power HER Success: The Struggles of #Women during and after the #Pandemic | BetterBrain.Info
Quality #Sleep: How does it influence our overall #health?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Quality #Sleep: How does it influence our overall #health?
The health benefits and potential risks of Seafood with Dr. Terry Wahls | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
The health benefits and potential risks of Seafood with Dr. Terry Wahls | BetterBrain.Info
#Neurofeedback : Monitoring Brain Frequency even at Home
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
#Neurofeedback : Monitoring Brain Frequency even at Home
#Neurofeedback: How does it actually works? | Dr. Francesco Amico
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
#Neurofeedback: How does it actually works? | Dr. Francesco Amico
How Powerful or Thoughts are: Dealing with our #Traumas
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
How Powerful or Thoughts are: Dealing with our #Traumas
#Healing: The Power of our Thoughts | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
#Healing: The Power of our Thoughts | BetterBrain.Info
How Mindset Can Help Us Take Control of our Health | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
How Mindset Can Help Us Take Control of our Health | BetterBrain.Info
Efficacy of #Diet on Quality of Life - How does it work? | Dr. Terry Wahls
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Efficacy of #Diet on Quality of Life - How does it work? | Dr. Terry Wahls
Dr. Terry Wahls latest study on the Efficacy of #Diet on Quality of Life | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Dr. Terry Wahls latest study on the Efficacy of #Diet on Quality of Life | BetterBrain.Info
Discovering the inner workings of our minds: The power of Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Discovering the inner workings of our minds: The power of Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
Self-awareness: Recognizing that our bodies in a Negative State
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Self-awareness: Recognizing that our bodies in a Negative State
Understanding our Health: Growing our own Food & taking care of our #Microbiome
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Understanding our Health: Growing our own Food & taking care of our #Microbiome
Healing Journey: What do we need in order to completely #heal?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Healing Journey: What do we need in order to completely #heal?
Negative Thoughts: Is Your Body Betraying You?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Negative Thoughts: Is Your Body Betraying You?
Quantitative EEG: A New Way to Show Imbalances in the Brain
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Quantitative EEG: A New Way to Show Imbalances in the Brain
Unlocking the Truth: Bridging the Gap Between Medical Research and Patient Care
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Unlocking the Truth: Bridging the Gap Between Medical Research and Patient Care
Mind-Body Techniques: Balancing Brain Frequencies for Optimal Health
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Mind-Body Techniques: Balancing Brain Frequencies for Optimal Health
The Concept of Holobiome: Connecting with #Nature and #Heal
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
The Concept of Holobiome: Connecting with #Nature and #Heal
Practicing Sleep: A way to combat Sleep Issues with Lyme Disease
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
Practicing Sleep: A way to combat Sleep Issues with Lyme Disease
#Healing is Possible: How do we shift our Mindset and Focus on our #HealthGoals?
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
#Healing is Possible: How do we shift our Mindset and Focus on our #HealthGoals?
The Wahls Protocol: Supplement Cocktails to treat Multiple Sclerosis
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
The Wahls Protocol: Supplement Cocktails to treat Multiple Sclerosis
The Wahls Protocol: What is it all about? | BetterBrain.Info
Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD
The Wahls Protocol: What is it all about? | BetterBrain.Info