Let's Build a Vibro-Champ Reverb......Part 1
Uncle Doug
Let's Build a Vibro-Champ Reverb......Part 1
Supplemental Audio Demo for Scratch-Built Gibson GA-1 RVT Part 4
Uncle Doug
Supplemental Audio Demo for Scratch-Built Gibson GA-1 RVT Part 4
Scratch-Build of an Ultra-Rare Gibson GA-1 RVT:  Part 4.....It's Finally Done :)
Uncle Doug
Scratch-Build of an Ultra-Rare Gibson GA-1 RVT: Part 4.....It's Finally Done :)
Gibson GA-1RVT Build:  Part 3 (of 4)
Uncle Doug
Gibson GA-1RVT Build: Part 3 (of 4)
Let's Build the Gibson GA-1RVT Part 2 (of 4)....Evaluate Cabinet, Finish Chassis, Begin Wiring
Uncle Doug
Let's Build the Gibson GA-1RVT Part 2 (of 4)....Evaluate Cabinet, Finish Chassis, Begin Wiring
Let's Build the Gibson GA1-RVT.....A 3-Tube Amp with Reverb & Tremolo,  Part 1 of 4
Uncle Doug
Let's Build the Gibson GA1-RVT.....A 3-Tube Amp with Reverb & Tremolo, Part 1 of 4
1956 5E2 Tweed Fender Princeton Amp.....in for a Stealth Overhaul
Uncle Doug
1956 5E2 Tweed Fender Princeton Amp.....in for a Stealth Overhaul
Part 3 of the Suprinceton Video Series: Final Wiring, Assembly & Testing
Uncle Doug
Part 3 of the Suprinceton Video Series: Final Wiring, Assembly & Testing
Let's Build the Suprinceton, Part 2:  Chassis Painting, Assembly and Wiring
Uncle Doug
Let's Build the Suprinceton, Part 2: Chassis Painting, Assembly and Wiring
Let's Scratch-Build the SUPRINCETON......Part One of a Series
Uncle Doug
Let's Scratch-Build the SUPRINCETON......Part One of a Series
Rare Brownface 1962 Fender 6G6A Bassman.....in for a Tune-Up
Uncle Doug
Rare Brownface 1962 Fender 6G6A Bassman.....in for a Tune-Up
1967 Fender Vibrolux Reverb with a Lazy Tremolo and too much Background Noise
Uncle Doug
1967 Fender Vibrolux Reverb with a Lazy Tremolo and too much Background Noise
Restoration of a Wurlitzer 1015 Jukebox Sound System
Uncle Doug
Restoration of a Wurlitzer 1015 Jukebox Sound System
1963 Fender Brownface Vibroverb Amp......Rare, Valuable, and Worth Every Dime !!
Uncle Doug
1963 Fender Brownface Vibroverb Amp......Rare, Valuable, and Worth Every Dime !!
BF Super Reverb in for a Tune Up.....Botched Wiring & Bad Tubes.....but a Happy Ending
Uncle Doug
BF Super Reverb in for a Tune Up.....Botched Wiring & Bad Tubes.....but a Happy Ending
Is the Conversion of a AA-165 Bassman to AA-864 Specs Worth the Effort ?
Uncle Doug
Is the Conversion of a AA-165 Bassman to AA-864 Specs Worth the Effort ?
The nicest Tel-Ray Super Organ Tone I have ever seen.....or heard.
Uncle Doug
The nicest Tel-Ray Super Organ Tone I have ever seen.....or heard.
Virtually Mint 1966 Fender 6G15 Reverb Unit.......It Quit Reverbing :)
Uncle Doug
Virtually Mint 1966 Fender 6G15 Reverb Unit.......It Quit Reverbing :)
Pristine One-Owner 1965 Fender Bandmaster Recovers from Laryngitis
Uncle Doug
Pristine One-Owner 1965 Fender Bandmaster Recovers from Laryngitis
Victoria Clone of a Fender Tweed 5F4 Super Amp
Uncle Doug
Victoria Clone of a Fender Tweed 5F4 Super Amp
Highly Modified 1967 Princeton Reverb Returned to (more) Original Condition
Uncle Doug
Highly Modified 1967 Princeton Reverb Returned to (more) Original Condition
1946 Fender Princeton "Woodie" Amp.....Rare, Valuable, and Really Nice !!
Uncle Doug
1946 Fender Princeton "Woodie" Amp.....Rare, Valuable, and Really Nice !!
Amazingly Original Pre-War OAHU Amp Gets a Tune-Up
Uncle Doug
Amazingly Original Pre-War OAHU Amp Gets a Tune-Up
Early 1950's CONN StroboTune Model ST-2.......What a Miraculous Device !!!
Uncle Doug
Early 1950's CONN StroboTune Model ST-2.......What a Miraculous Device !!!
1965 Fender Bassman AA/AB165 Hybrid.......Schizophrenic but Sweet :)
Uncle Doug
1965 Fender Bassman AA/AB165 Hybrid.......Schizophrenic but Sweet :)
1965 Fender Showman.......Back from the dead, but not without an epic struggle
Uncle Doug
1965 Fender Showman.......Back from the dead, but not without an epic struggle
1955 Fender Tweed Harvard Amp.....Not All Amps went to Princeton :)
Uncle Doug
1955 Fender Tweed Harvard Amp.....Not All Amps went to Princeton :)
1950 Fender Super Amp:  Naked and Thrashed but still SUPER !!
Uncle Doug
1950 Fender Super Amp: Naked and Thrashed but still SUPER !!
1966 Marshall JTM-45 Mk II in for Repairs......A Rare and Wonderful Gem !!
Uncle Doug
1966 Marshall JTM-45 Mk II in for Repairs......A Rare and Wonderful Gem !!
1965 Fender Blackface Deluxe Reverb needing Tremolo and Reverb Repair
Uncle Doug
1965 Fender Blackface Deluxe Reverb needing Tremolo and Reverb Repair
1977 Morley Evo-1 Oil Can Echo-Delay Pedal......Complete Overhaul & Test
Uncle Doug
1977 Morley Evo-1 Oil Can Echo-Delay Pedal......Complete Overhaul & Test
1955 Fender 5E9 Tremolux in near MINT Condition.....Wear a Bib !!
Uncle Doug
1955 Fender 5E9 Tremolux in near MINT Condition.....Wear a Bib !!
1965 BF Fender Super Reverb in for a Check Up......Plus BF vs SF S.R. Circuits
Uncle Doug
1965 BF Fender Super Reverb in for a Check Up......Plus BF vs SF S.R. Circuits
The Effect of Output Tube Bias on Tone, Gain, and Headroom.....A Side-by-Side Comparison
Uncle Doug
The Effect of Output Tube Bias on Tone, Gain, and Headroom.....A Side-by-Side Comparison
1960 Silvertone 1432 Amp.....In for a Complete Overhaul & Evaluation
Uncle Doug
1960 Silvertone 1432 Amp.....In for a Complete Overhaul & Evaluation
1955 Fender Tweed 5E2 Princeton Amp......One Owner and Wonderful !!!
Uncle Doug
1955 Fender Tweed 5E2 Princeton Amp......One Owner and Wonderful !!!
1940's DeArmond Electromechanical Tremolo Unit.....DeAd on DeLivery !!!
Uncle Doug
1940's DeArmond Electromechanical Tremolo Unit.....DeAd on DeLivery !!!
1968 Fender AB763 Twin Reverb:   Evaluation, Modification, Extended Audio Demo
Uncle Doug
1968 Fender AB763 Twin Reverb: Evaluation, Modification, Extended Audio Demo
How to Bias a Quad or Quartet of Output Tubes......Theory and Practice
Uncle Doug
How to Bias a Quad or Quartet of Output Tubes......Theory and Practice
1954 Gibson GA-77 Amp:  Some Challenges and Some Great Tone
Uncle Doug
1954 Gibson GA-77 Amp: Some Challenges and Some Great Tone
1963 6G7-A Fender Bandmaster with 5-Triode Harmonic Tremolo......Mint !!
Uncle Doug
1963 6G7-A Fender Bandmaster with 5-Triode Harmonic Tremolo......Mint !!
1966 "Tweed" Fender Vibro-Champ......A Real Challenge to Repair
Uncle Doug
1966 "Tweed" Fender Vibro-Champ......A Real Challenge to Repair
1966 Fender "Blackface" Super Reverb:  In Storage for Almost 40 Years !!
Uncle Doug
1966 Fender "Blackface" Super Reverb: In Storage for Almost 40 Years !!
1968 Fender Bassman AB165 gets Caps, Tubes, and a Dynamite Switchable NFB Loop
Uncle Doug
1968 Fender Bassman AB165 gets Caps, Tubes, and a Dynamite Switchable NFB Loop
1963 Brownface Fender 6G3 Deluxe......An Absolute Beauty, in for Repairs
Uncle Doug
1963 Brownface Fender 6G3 Deluxe......An Absolute Beauty, in for Repairs
Late-40's Mirovox Guitar Amp.....In for Repairs at Rusty's Workshop
Uncle Doug
Late-40's Mirovox Guitar Amp.....In for Repairs at Rusty's Workshop
Magnatone 280A (Noble 990)......in Gorgeous Original Condition
Uncle Doug
Magnatone 280A (Noble 990)......in Gorgeous Original Condition
1967 Fender Bandmaster: FINALLY.....A Cooperative Patient
Uncle Doug
1967 Fender Bandmaster: FINALLY.....A Cooperative Patient
Harmony H322 Bass Amp.......The "mini" Bassman from Hell !!
Uncle Doug
Harmony H322 Bass Amp.......The "mini" Bassman from Hell !!
1964 Fender Blonde Bandmaster: The Noisy Amp That Couldn't Be Fixed
Uncle Doug
1964 Fender Blonde Bandmaster: The Noisy Amp That Couldn't Be Fixed
1961 Blonde Fender 6G6 Bassman.....The Garage Sale Special !!
Uncle Doug
1961 Blonde Fender 6G6 Bassman.....The Garage Sale Special !!
J Geils' 1958 Gibson ga55V Amp Cabinet.....The Termite's Revenge
Uncle Doug
J Geils' 1958 Gibson ga55V Amp Cabinet.....The Termite's Revenge
The Nightmare on YouTube Street:  Repairing a 1950's Stewart Amp
Uncle Doug
The Nightmare on YouTube Street: Repairing a 1950's Stewart Amp
Marshall 1986 JMP-50 Bass Amp becomes a Model 1987 Lead Amp.....with Extra "Mustard"
Uncle Doug
Marshall 1986 JMP-50 Bass Amp becomes a Model 1987 Lead Amp.....with Extra "Mustard"
Super Nice 1966 Silvertone Model 1484.......The Amp that Launched a Thousand Careers
Uncle Doug
Super Nice 1966 Silvertone Model 1484.......The Amp that Launched a Thousand Careers
The Snazziest Little PA Amp I Have Ever Seen......or Heard (after Conversion)
Uncle Doug
The Snazziest Little PA Amp I Have Ever Seen......or Heard (after Conversion)
Resurrection of an Ancient 1939 Kay Model 859 Amp....The Mouse that Roars (60Hz)
Uncle Doug
Resurrection of an Ancient 1939 Kay Model 859 Amp....The Mouse that Roars (60Hz)
Conversion of a PCB Amp Circuit to Point-to-Point:  Fender Champ 600 to 5F1
Uncle Doug
Conversion of a PCB Amp Circuit to Point-to-Point: Fender Champ 600 to 5F1
Heroic Restoration of a 1948-52 Kalamazoo KEA Amp with an Unusual Circuit
Uncle Doug
Heroic Restoration of a 1948-52 Kalamazoo KEA Amp with an Unusual Circuit
Museum-Grade Pre-War Gibson EH 150 gets a "Stealth" Overhaul
Uncle Doug
Museum-Grade Pre-War Gibson EH 150 gets a "Stealth" Overhaul
Rare & Wonderful Late-30's Recording King Amp.....with Tone to Die For !!!
Uncle Doug
Rare & Wonderful Late-30's Recording King Amp.....with Tone to Die For !!!
1947 to '52 Magnatone M195-5J Melodier Deluxe gets its voice back :)
Uncle Doug
1947 to '52 Magnatone M195-5J Melodier Deluxe gets its voice back :)
1946-47 Masco Tweed Amp......Brought Back from Ampageddon
Uncle Doug
1946-47 Masco Tweed Amp......Brought Back from Ampageddon
1978 Fender 135W Twin Reverb Kicks Ass.....in more ways than one
Uncle Doug
1978 Fender 135W Twin Reverb Kicks Ass.....in more ways than one
1960's Rauland-Borg 32W Amp Conversion.......Resistance is Futile ;)
Uncle Doug
1960's Rauland-Borg 32W Amp Conversion.......Resistance is Futile ;)
1963 Lesmann "Echo" Amp......No More Polkas for this Bad Boy
Uncle Doug
1963 Lesmann "Echo" Amp......No More Polkas for this Bad Boy
Rare & Wonderful: 1946 Gibson BR-1 Amp and 1941 Triplett Tube Mini-Tester
Uncle Doug
Rare & Wonderful: 1946 Gibson BR-1 Amp and 1941 Triplett Tube Mini-Tester
1961 Gibson GA-2RT Maestro Deluxe Reverb Echo, Part 2
Uncle Doug
1961 Gibson GA-2RT Maestro Deluxe Reverb Echo, Part 2
1961 Gibson GA-2RT Maestro Deluxe Reverb-Echo Restoration, Part 1
Uncle Doug
1961 Gibson GA-2RT Maestro Deluxe Reverb-Echo Restoration, Part 1
Eurotubes "Pro One" Bias Probe Evaluation.......Plus: Make Your Own Bias Probe
Uncle Doug
Eurotubes "Pro One" Bias Probe Evaluation.......Plus: Make Your Own Bias Probe
1968 Marshall Model 1986 JMP-50 Bass Amp in Beautiful Original Condition
Uncle Doug
1968 Marshall Model 1986 JMP-50 Bass Amp in Beautiful Original Condition
1965 Gibson GA-5T Skylark in Superb Original Condition
Uncle Doug
1965 Gibson GA-5T Skylark in Superb Original Condition
1950 Magnatone Varsity M197-3-V in Completely Original Condition
Uncle Doug
1950 Magnatone Varsity M197-3-V in Completely Original Condition
1967 Marshall JMP-50 Model 1987 Plexi Lead Amplifier: Tube Rectified and Terrific !!
Uncle Doug
1967 Marshall JMP-50 Model 1987 Plexi Lead Amplifier: Tube Rectified and Terrific !!
Tel-Ray Super Organ Tone No.2: The Beat Goes On :)
Uncle Doug
Tel-Ray Super Organ Tone No.2: The Beat Goes On :)
Impedance Ratio: The Easiest Way to Decipher Output Transformers
Uncle Doug
Impedance Ratio: The Easiest Way to Decipher Output Transformers
'69 Princeton Reverb.....Badly Burned, Brutally Botched, and (finally) Reborn
Uncle Doug
'69 Princeton Reverb.....Badly Burned, Brutally Botched, and (finally) Reborn
Super Nice 1967 Princeton Reverb: Overhaul w/ Tremolo Enhancement
Uncle Doug
Super Nice 1967 Princeton Reverb: Overhaul w/ Tremolo Enhancement
Silvertone 1474, Part 2: Victory at Last
Uncle Doug
Silvertone 1474, Part 2: Victory at Last
Silvertone 1474 Part 1: The Rats Strike Again !!!
Uncle Doug
Silvertone 1474 Part 1: The Rats Strike Again !!!
1963 Magnatone Panaramic Model 1210 Amp with "True" Vibrato
Uncle Doug
1963 Magnatone Panaramic Model 1210 Amp with "True" Vibrato
Brownface Fender Princeton and Silverface Champ "Double-Header"
Uncle Doug
Brownface Fender Princeton and Silverface Champ "Double-Header"
Silvertone 1485, Part 3: Circuit Overhaul, Speakers, Sound Check
Uncle Doug
Silvertone 1485, Part 3: Circuit Overhaul, Speakers, Sound Check
Silvertone 1485 Part 2: The Hideous Speaker Cabinet is Restored
Uncle Doug
Silvertone 1485 Part 2: The Hideous Speaker Cabinet is Restored
Silvertone 1485, Part 1:  A Diamond in the Rough
Uncle Doug
Silvertone 1485, Part 1: A Diamond in the Rough
Rare & Wonderful 1940 VEGA Model 112 Guitar Amp....Wow !!!
Uncle Doug
Rare & Wonderful 1940 VEGA Model 112 Guitar Amp....Wow !!!
Super Nice 70-Year-Old Guitar Amp.....Dissection, Repair, Audio Check
Uncle Doug
Super Nice 70-Year-Old Guitar Amp.....Dissection, Repair, Audio Check
Robot Speaker Cabinet, Part 2: Completion, Illumination, and Demo
Uncle Doug
Robot Speaker Cabinet, Part 2: Completion, Illumination, and Demo
Robot Speaker Cabinet, Part 1: Design & Fabrication
Uncle Doug
Robot Speaker Cabinet, Part 1: Design & Fabrication
Scratch-Built Steam Punk Amp, Part 2: Cabinet Finishing, Chassis Construction,  Audio Testing
Uncle Doug
Scratch-Built Steam Punk Amp, Part 2: Cabinet Finishing, Chassis Construction, Audio Testing
Scratch-Built Steam Punk Amp, Part 1: Design and Construction of Metal Cabinet
Uncle Doug
Scratch-Built Steam Punk Amp, Part 1: Design and Construction of Metal Cabinet
Speaker Cabinet Extravaganza......Victor Conversion & Art Deco Cab Make-Over
Uncle Doug
Speaker Cabinet Extravaganza......Victor Conversion & Art Deco Cab Make-Over
Let's Build and Tune an Art Deco Speaker Cabinet
Uncle Doug
Let's Build and Tune an Art Deco Speaker Cabinet
$99 5W Stage Right Amp vs Vintage Silverface Champ.....Fair Match or Slaughter ??
Uncle Doug
$99 5W Stage Right Amp vs Vintage Silverface Champ.....Fair Match or Slaughter ??
The 1965 Bandmaster from Hell......A Really Tough Repair Job
Uncle Doug
The 1965 Bandmaster from Hell......A Really Tough Repair Job
Scratch-Built Art Deco Amp, Part 3: It's Finished.....and Actually Works!!
Uncle Doug
Scratch-Built Art Deco Amp, Part 3: It's Finished.....and Actually Works!!
Hand-Built 1952 W. E. Grable Amplifier.....Beautifully Constructed
Uncle Doug
Hand-Built 1952 W. E. Grable Amplifier.....Beautifully Constructed
Scratch-Built Art Deco Amp, Part 2:  The Chassis is Completed
Uncle Doug
Scratch-Built Art Deco Amp, Part 2: The Chassis is Completed
Scratch-Built Art Deco Steel-Cabinet Amplifier: Part 1
Uncle Doug
Scratch-Built Art Deco Steel-Cabinet Amplifier: Part 1
Airline Model 9002 Chassis + Mallory Power Supply  =  ?????
Uncle Doug
Airline Model 9002 Chassis + Mallory Power Supply = ?????