man, this is so inspirational seeing how far you've come, congrats on moving dude, GG
big moves, awesome to see an og making these kind of upgrades over the years 🙏
man, i haven’t been in the pf community for a hot minute, but i’m so proud of you to see ya doing so well in life like this . keep it up man, you got this :D
Glad to know that you're doing alright!
You have talked about moving to Florida for so long, happy to see it happen bro. congrats!
My guy is now a certified florida man
don't worry if you see any alligators. They're friendly :)
no problem bro. glad i can help. if u need anything just lmk.
congrats for moving in godstatus!
NICE let's GO thats fancy
Goddamn man well done
Petition to give Bogstatus an MYV Cribs episode
Whoa I'm gonna need some more back story! I've been sub'ed since you were taking college classes. So...did you guys move in together? Are her parents cool with it?? Did she graduate? Are you still doing hospital admin type work? Edit. Keep that toilet seat down. I've found Asian women appreciate that and no shoes in the house. Lol.
I forgot this man existed
The goat has came back!
Dang. That's cool.
epic tour
How do you have Culver's down in Florida
nice to see you