
When people say "I did my research" - this is what I WISH they meant. Thank you, friend.


"I did real research and looked at real statistics before making an opinion, please don't send threats."  What a time to be alive. 😭Thank you for you efforts; this was very informative.


None is bad, some is good, more is bad. People aren't comfortable with this non-linear reasoning. But that's the way most things work.


One of the biggest issues I've seen with the studies I've read in this area (besides signs of obvious bias) is the failure to account for and control for general contamination of water or other pollutants. It stands to reason that if your water supply is contaminated with one mineral, it's at least worth measuring for other contaminants, but these studies glaringly will avoid looking at possible correlations with multiple contaminates that might explain the data better.


You're a Chemist, correct? In my experience, the general public cannot understand that "the dose makes the poison". Most people seem to think on some fundamental level that things are either "good" or "bad" and trying to introduce nuance around that thinking is incredibly challenging.


Extremely good video that both covers an important topic, but also demonstrates why so many people just don't bother actually try seeking the truth.  It's hard, it takes time, and you need to know how to find and parse the data you do come across.


In Germany we have salt with fluoride which is quite normal. You can buy it without fluoride if you want. Most popular is salt with iodine , fluorite and foliate. But you can also have pure salt. But we don't have fluoride in water but as Europeans we do cook and don't eat as much fast food or in restaurants so we get our fluoride from salt.
I think dangerous lead in drinking water is a way bigger problem in the US because the water quality limits for several elements and chemicals is way lower in the EU !


There is an impressive amount of posts from people that did not watch the video. She did an astounding job answering the “questions” you are posing. The truth is, you’re not here to learn. You’re here to reiterate your fear and ignorance.


I'm thankful there are scientists and science communicators that do the work. I wish more teachers and scientists could be featured on the news to just get the story straight.


For what it's worth, I've given myself accidental fluoride poisoning in adulthood from a combination between expired toothpaste [higher bioavailability], high fluoride diet, and accidental use of iodine free/low iodine ingredients in home cooking.  The cardiologist laughed when she realized I probably needed to eat more junk food instead of trying to be hyper healthy. 

I now live in an area with almost no fluoride in our well water, and make sure to brush regularly with fluoridated toothpaste (and that my daughter brushes regularly as well). The data is pretty cut and dry for me, even though I too would love to see better studies on it (on principle). 

Thank you for doing this deep dive, and I hope you don't need to burn more weekends on this (or at least, not until better studies are available).


The bridge to public discourse and scientific journals is a massive gap that’s usually filled full of blog nonsense. I want to commend you on your channel. Hope it continues to grow. This is a great resource for people.


Never seen anyone dig into sample size, methodology, and cross-references as deeply as you.
Thank you for your service.

Hopefully folks can focus on the 1.5 magic number and normalize dosage in places where fluoride naturally ends up in the water.


great video, one thing I rarely see mentioned is the effects removing fluoridated water might have on populations who have inadequate access to regular dental hygiene products and health care such as those who are homeless. Of course the ideal changes would come in terms of systemic changes to health care and housing but it feels like removing a source of preventative care serves to disproportionately effect those who may need it the most.


The real-problem is the lead pipe infrastructure


I really appreciate the open and honest evaluation of the literature you reviewed, the results you could take from it, but also the frustration at the lack of a genuinely conclusive analysis.


So cool ..EXACTLY the kind of analysis and breakdown I am constantly searching for. Thank you so much for your work and skills. I'm inspired. Great work


Thank you for a very informative summary of the research!


Appreciate the research. Going through all those papers would have been a pain.


What about the compounding effect of drinking fluoride water + eating fluoride salt + brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste (and then possibly ingesting some of that toothpaste)? Couldn't that have an effect on the Fluoride we consume?

Other than this, very nice video, I personally would assume that the IQ difference is due to geographical differences and hence socio-economical differences, rather than the Fluoride itself, i.e. comparing american apples with indian oranges.

Thank you for the information.

P.s. Don't eat chips! :)


Thanks for giving up your Sunday night to do this research for us.