The tube amplifier was invented in 1906, so the technology is nearly 120 years old.
Four different DC30s sounding different is a quality control problem. Four different amp models sounding different is what I'd expect. I expect "tube purists" to say I'm not getting it, but I wouldn't accept that kind of variance in any other product I own.
I'm searching for a Tube amp. I've played live through a tube amp, and the clean tone and distorted tone was amazing, powerful and great warmth to it. That is sound!!! 🔥
Amp to amp on a production line, I’d say is very close to any of the others on the production line. Vintage amps are a whole different story. Leo fender is the shining example of this.
Hi . For the last 8 years I've been using the Randall Modular Preamp System . It FRIKN rocks ! I even have a Custom Preamp from a Pro out of Detroit . It's a PLEXI / SL+ . Maybe I'll go full Modular with Synergy someday , but for now I'm happy .
Not to say that the differences necessarily make an amp sound better or worse, though. Some tube amps just don’t have that “magic” about them that you allude to. I have a feeling that it has to do with psychology more than anything, though. The part tolerances back in the day for electronic components aren’t as tight as they are today, but the difference in actual sound for two amps is usually minimal. If there is a difference, it likely wouldn’t majorly translate into a recording, or would be filtered out by the basic EQing that occurs when mixing. Sometimes, though, what actually matters about an amp is whether or not it makes you feel more like yourself when you play.
Youre right, my man.
Lol, there is a way to measure.
The only thing not to love is the weight of your gigging. 50lb amp, 50lb pedal board. Helix 16lbs.
Nope the player is the sound .....learn your amps controls , a great player can make any amp sound matters not.
If i’m in a situation where I can buy a tube amp, I would consider it a luxury item instead of a work tool. They are fun and exciting to play thru, but I would not take it to a gig night after night, been there done that, digital solutions sound good enough and make the gig more enjoyable. But there’s nothing like having a 4x12 flapping your pants 🤣
Tweed Champ, Princeton, and Vibrolux.
Cleanliness of the sound is so unmatched.
what can I say? Amen!
Hell yeah
2 tube amps set up stereo with some stereo delay is impossible to beat That’s for me at home Helix for live
You want technology from the 50's go into any restroom in the US...
Something called... nostalgia... right? It's normal, don't you worry.
And absolutely no one in the audience will notice if you’re using a tube amp or a helix. Why lug the gear?