
எந்தவொரு vfx ம்  இல்லாமல்  எந்தவொரு ghost effect ம் இல்லாமல் 2006ல்  பார்த்து பயந்த block buster movie. I have ever seen now a days.😭😭😭😭😭


இந்தப் படத்தை நான் நூறு தடவை பாத்துட்டேன் இருந்தாலும் ஜோதிகவின் அந்தச் சந்திரமுகி கண்களை பார்ப்பதற்கு பயமாக தான் உள்ளது😢😢😢


This Scene I Still remember In Childhood..I think I'm 2nd or 3rd std..Our Family Started to see this movie @12:00 am and ended in 2:30am..This Scene Is going @1:45am On That moment there was a heavy sound in window.. All members were sleeping.. Only I'm watching..I closed bedsheet(Scary)... again that sound was coming.. Slowly I'm opening my bedsheet.. I looked at that window..One Cat is looking at me..and it went away.. Seriously that Moment I can't digest.. Everyone were sleeping..Only I'm this Scene @1:45am.. Window sound..My God..Only 90's kids Know this feeling of this movie..#Horror Childhood Memories


800 days running successfully of the Chandramukhi ❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Acrually  90's kids might fear  to watch at that time but now we might  laugh 

 Cherish our  school days  🎊


On those days I have continuous nightmare. Jyothika appearance with jewels and that scary looks oh my god Jyothika nailed her character. Bcoz of jyothika only this movie a mega block buster


எந்த ஒரு grafix காட்சியும் இல்லாமல் வெறும் ஜோதிகா கண்களை மட்டும் வைத்து அனைவரையும் பயமுறுத்திய மிக பிரமாண்ட படைப்பு ‌.. இன்றும் இந்த காட்சியை பார்த்தால் நான் கண்களை மூடி கொண்டு தான் பார்ப்பேன்...


Vidhyasagar sir music vera level♥🤩✨✨✨


മണിച്ചിത്രത്താഴ് കണ്ടു വരണ മലയാളി 😅😅😅😅ശോഭനേടെ ആക്ടിങ് വേറെ ലെവൽ ആയിരുന്നു...


Daivameee.. Njagade manichithrathaazhine konnukolavilichu... Sobhana maam.. Lalettann.. Gopichettan.. Ndhin oru single scene il ullavradkm jeevikuarnnu... Aa legendary wrkine ingne apamanikkaruthayrnnu


Ethana vati pathhalum bore adikatha Padam😍👌...


Vera Level Climax Chandramukhi Padatha Enquiry About RajniKanth Scene Super


Iconic dialog "enna koduma Saravanan idhu" 🤣🤣 originated here


മണിച്ചിത്രത്താഴ്  കണ്ടിട്ട്  ഇത്  കാണുമ്പോൾ  സത്യം  പറഞ്ഞാൽ  ചിരി  വരുന്നു.... ജ്യോതിക  ഭയങ്കര  ഓവർ ആക്ടിങ്  ആയിട്ട്  തോന്നി... ശോഭന  ചേച്ചിടെ  ഏഴയലത്തു  എത്തീട്ടില്ല...


Jyothika has tried her best to enact the psychic disorder.  But having watched shobhana  in the original, it is to be said that Jo went a little over the top here. Shobhana's actions in the movie never makes the viewer suspect her for all the mishaps,  until the suspense gets revealed in the climax.  She has played the character so subtly that the psychic disorder she possess remains under her true self.  But Jo here,  has played it in such a way that her mental state is revealed even before the movie reached its climax.  But this doesn't take any credit away from Jo's tremendous effort. I've heard that this character was actually meant for Simran,  who couldn't join the film and then it was given to Jo just two days before the shoot began. She almost pulled off the character on her own in this short time


Who else has watched this film uncountable times?


no one can replace jyothika's 
acting...because she is a matured
person...she is a Legend!
Give anyone to her's roles of all
Movies act again...No one can do it ever..
Impossible...her's expressions are valuable..🤙👌👍


890 நாள் ஓடிய சரித்திர தமிழ் படம்


Thalaivaaaaa you are always masssss♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


I look back after 15 years and appreciate this movie that much more. This scene did a really good job of how split personality disorders happen. Intense trauma and emotional events, abuse can fragment a person’s psyche so much that they are unable to cope with it and develop alter personalities to be able to process it. It’s actually a coping mechanism of our minds because intense trauma can otherwise kill people. It’s fascinating and simultaneously so very sad. People abused sexually at a young age, and people going through intense abuse like what the village did to her parents are vulnerable to this disorder. This scene brought to light about this mental health issue to an audience who don’t think of it that way.