Anyone understood on single word of the first guy?
Hampus is literally proof of evolution theory.
Bobs scam also cryto thousands now used to be 100 quid bonus hunts
that dog house slot is 250x, I wouldn't call a 1000x a big win lol
Of course they have to involve letsgiveitascam 😂
I can't tell if Dreadworks is new slot or not?
comeone guys, 0.20 bet, 277 pound win... really :)?
Where do you find all these "sophisticated" UK streamers / content-providers, who cant say 3 consecutive words, with out at least 2 of them being some version of the F-word?
Besides the engagement botting which is cringe on its own, yall really gotta up the minimum win youll show, who cares about a 1374x win?
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