
How blessed these people are for getting to sit under dr Stanley’s teaching!  I am so thankful it is on line for me too


I was saved when i was 23 I'm now 67. You are so  missed Charles Stanley ❤


I miss Dr.Stanley so much  , but I  know he is in heaven where he belongs


Even though Dr. Stanley passed away already, I;m always watching his sermons, repeatedly.


I am a Mormon, I am now in the process of true conversion to Christ, pray for me.




I was just searching for most watched christian sermon and i landed here. I felt holy spirit while I was listening this.

❤Jesus Christ ❤ from India 🇮🇳


Anyone reading my comment, Please pray for me, thanks so much .


This is a pure gold. God bless everyone who is listening to this


TV = Idiot box
Put God first in everything you do, read your Bible and your life will change for the better.
If you read this and no one has told you today "I Love You" and even though we will never meet on earth, I Love You and will meet you in heaven.❤


Pastor Charles always made things so clear and simple for me! Thank you for continuing to share his Sermon’s! What a blessing to come here and be blessed!❤


The Holy Spirit played this video for me because I’ve been asking him to help me control my thoughts. Thank you God for taking care of me in every way 🥹🙏🏼🤍


EVERY Christian should listen to this message at least once a week, their whole life long. 99% of the enemies attack, is in our thoughts. Thank you Mr. Stanley for listening to God, and sharing faithfully. Praise be to Jesus.


When I have a bad thought I say “ I put this thought under the blood of Jesus “. The devil hates when you mention the blood so he finally stopped with the bad thoughts! Praise God!!


His teachings is very much needed today ❤ 
His a good preacher ❤😊


I got brain cancer -
"A warrior I am, against this foe,
This battle I'll win, and make it show.
The chemo's tough, but I'm tougher still,
My strength and spirit, I won't let it kill.
Though the cancer tries to take its toll,
I'll fight with all my heart and soul.
I'll stand up strong, with courage and grace,
And show the world, I'll win this race." Jesus heals!


God healed me from being molested as a child and helped me love myself and others turned my mind away from suicide,porn sex outside of marriage. I was in the fire for over 35 years but when I came out I was a new person I may have been drowning but when I opened my eyes I saw Jesus and his hand was stretched out towards me and I grabbed it he pulled me up into his arms and I was saved


I need Jesus so much! Please help me control my thoughts LORD Jesus!


God of mercy, calm the storm. 🕊️


Pastor Stanley was one of the few great teachers of our lifetime. His consistency in the Word was unwavering. Praise God for standing in the faith and finishing your assignment.💙