My question isn’t when PlayStation 4 ends, it’s more of a question of when PlayStation 5 begins.
They made Nishino CEO so that he’s empowered to pull the plug preemptively on disasters like Concord.
i always think about the fact that persona 4 got out exclusively for the PS2 while the ps3 was 3 years on the market already
PS4 may be a legacy console, but the cost of gaming has become ridiculous and that's why people are still playing it
Good to see the Japanese taking back control of PlayStation, now, get their SIE HQ out of California and back to Japan ASAP
Maybe its just me but the concept of limited time UI is so damn weird lol
Sony removing the mandatory PSN login and not removing the blocked countries is like removing the bullet but not closing the wound. I mean they haven't solved the major issue here.
My Xbox 360 nostalgia games are coming to PlayStation 5, what a time being PS gamer 🎮
A physical copy of the master chief collection on ps5 would be dope
There's still a huge player count on PS4. It's still got years left in its life
Regarding the dual CEO strategy Sony recently tried, I can only think of Oscar’s hilarious assessment on The Office. “Look it doesn't take a genius to know that every organization thrives when it has two leaders. Go ahead, name a country that doesn't have two presidents. A boat that sets sail without two captains. Where would Catholicism be, without the popes?”
Id want the option to have the PS1 boot up sequence without the themes
In reality Nishino replaces Totoki who replaces Yoshida. Because Nishino and Hulst did not have a completely free hand, they had to report to Totoki who was the Chairman of SIE. So now Hulst instead of reporting to Totoki, he reports to Nishino
Honestly I thought the headline was about PS5, because somehow it feels like PS4 is the beast that will live forever whereas PS5 will barely ever come out of the maternity ward.
Remember a little over a year ago MS gave Sony 10 years of CoD saying "10 years is more than enough for them to create their own fps alternatives". Now everything is coming to PS. I feel like that 10 year deal will be extended
Personally I couldn't be happier that Sony is going forward with a Japanese CEO. Something has to change and Sony has not been making the right decisions this gen. Thank god for 3rd party games.
I care more about that blue eyes ultimate dragon t-shirt than any playstation news 🤣
I'm gonna keep it real with you chief. The PS4 is my last Sony console. I'm not buying anymore of their stuff. Since I moved to PC 5 years ago, I've had an amazing experience and met a ton of new people. And the games are always half the price of Sony. Plus, I can play any game I want, regardless of platform. I'll continue to collect for the PS4, by buying up all the super rare and hard to find CEs for dirt, but once the plug is pulled, I'm out. It's a real shame man. They just can't get things right anymore.
The PS4 Pro came out almost a decade ago and it still feels so fresh and new in 2025. Sony really futureproofed the hell out of that model. It kinda makes me question my purchase of a PS5 if I'm perfectly happy with the PS4 Pro still