
When I was searching for God, the Lord used the number 333 to reveal that the bible is His book, Jesus is the Messiah, and the Trinity.


Proverbs 3:33
The LORD's curse is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the dwelling of the righteous.


Whenever I see 333 I think Father,Son, Holy Spirit ✝️


I'd been seeing 444 for over a year, but now I'm seeing 333, and its true, I do cry out to God, more than ever. This really helped.


I never really post about this. But, I will share. It started for me when I got saved and prayed on Jeremiah 333. I soon started waking at 3:33am every night. And it became even more shocking when I scolded my 8 year old daughter for not waking for school and she blurted out "Its not my fault i keep waking at 3:33am!" After my life went into chaos, and i moved to another city and at the tie I had anxiety and was afraid but it all worked for my good. !5 years later, I learned that when something is upsetting me or I an faced with something I worry about I start seeing 333 like crazy and for me it is confirmation that things are happening as they should and to trust the process, not to worry and God is with me. Its all a part of his plan and then I get peace.


I see 333 every day   today. I went to the store, and my receipt came to 333


THIS IS CONFIRMATION FOR ME ! I’ve been seeing 333 like CRAZY and my Bible keeps opening at Jeremiah 33:3 !!


This is so true! I saw 333, I read this verse and I cried after God. After that i started to see podcasts one by one about deliverance, generations curses, spiritual  warfare and all that staff what I didn't know before. I am already after my once deliverance, I am so grateful to God. He is so kind and good. I love you Jesus.


Lord I Cry out to you answer me.


Thank you. I see 333 a lot. Please pray, touch and agree with me that God will show me what I need to know.


I've been seeing 333 everywhere for months. Last night 12/30/24 I woke up at 3:33am and decided to look on my Facebook and the very first thing I saw said YOU ARE FORGIVEN. This blew my mind because I love God and Jesus with everything in me and it was like a message letting me know I'm not perfect but he loves me because I love him and the blood of his son Jesus Christ above all else. :)


Lately I often wake up at 3:33 and I was worried but I think god is speaking to me because I started to read the bible and pray more often.


Today my girlfriend, wahile watching the end of Pastor Jack Hibbs service, stood up from the couch and prayed for her salavation, and the clock on the cablebox was 3:33pm. I showed her your video, and she was blown away by your words of confirmation. God bless you and your's, this Blessed Resurrection Memorial Day.


So I would also like to share my testimony. I was experiencing terrible depression, I felt lonely, misunderstood by anyone, the worst was before bed when the multitude of thoughts prevented me from falling asleep and I cried alone into my pillow. Then I prayed to God and said that I couldn't cope anymore, I had no strength, I asked him with all my heart to show me that he was with me, to give me encouragement. I asked and I said I wasn't asking for much but I was asking for any sign. Soon after, I fell asleep and in my dream I was sitting in a meadow. Suddenly, Jesus came up to me, patted me on the shoulder and said: don't worry, everything will be fine, you'll see.  At the same moment I woke up and instinctively took my phone to see what time it was. It was 3:33. Could he have shown me more clearly that he was with me?


I see 333 anytime of the mornings and afternoons. Thank you! ❤


I’ve been crying out to God for deliverance over my daughter and see 333 🙏🏼


I was woken up this morning at 3:33.


Wild! In 2008 God woke me from a deep sleep at 3:33am and laid on my heart to pray for my family. 6 months later my wife and I were falling apart, marriage in shambles,  separated for 4 years but God restored us! Since then I have been woken up at 3:33 a few times and I always see it on the clock or Receipts, or just random places. Today I saw it and I felt the Lord tell me Choose today whom you will serve. I choose you Lord help me in my sin, in my failures help me serve you with all of me and have No other gods before you! If anything I know he has not given up on me. He has not left me, he still speaks to me and I hear his voice. Lord help me to obey your word and live up to the calling you have on my life! 🙏🏽🙌🏽


Thank you  I have crying out to him for guidance ...


i woke up thie morning 3:33 The Lord talk to me. Amen God is good. I love my Lord Jesus ❤