
It’s truly exciting being a part of such a transformative ‘company’ - pushing the boundaries of ‘traditional old school thinking’ and exploring the phenomenal possibilities (blessings) given to us by our creator. ❤


i am hoping one day soon this man will be right about silver


Price is too hard to raise if the manipulation can’t be stopped.


Thanks BIX   --  i believe YOU  to be an honest and decent man - you would be a great neighbour and wonderful friend    -  and although not too many of your predictions have come to fruition   - your main message is clear  --  HAVE YOUR PRECIOUS METALS IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION  --  and you and Lynette Zang sing to the same tune  and only truth - YOU OWN IT -- YOU HAVE IT -   with total control  - and keeping it within reach !!


I’m going to keep buying monster box after monster box’s of silver!  I’m doing my part to bring down the Comex are you all?


Hey Bix. Thanks for doing what you do. It's much appreciated.😊


This is never going up unless I sell my silver stack. I sold XRP and look what happened. Doh! (Note: I own Theta/Stella)


Don't listen to the trolls.. 😂

Silver is the number one conductor of electricity, and used heavily in all high-end technology. Take all the time you need and think about that😂😂😂


I've been watching this show intermittently for 6 years now. Every time I watch it there is some kind "silver is going to explode" and "the banks are going to collapse" message. What good is it to invest on these kind of theories when the reality of it takes multiple decades to actually happen.


All i need is for the silver pumpers to be right just once about whatever next particular event  causing silver to blast off.


Remember it well. But was buying up phys. silver every month. Started in 2014 in my hands. It has been painful buying and holding silver so far has been a losers game 😓. But it is God's money, so sticking to it 🥰


2025 predictions:

-The banks won't fail.
-Gold/Silver revaluation 
-The U.S.D. gold backed.
-The national debt paid down.
-XRP replaces Swift


I've have my silver I'm happy 😊.. 
Only a fool wouldn't have real assets with what's coming.


For the Silver haters.
You hold physical Silver as part of a portfolio of hard assets.
Keep some gold , cash, property and BTC too if you are lucky enough to trust there won't be an internet meltdown someday.
In any case diversity is the key.


At 6:46 minute mark, I am curious why silver dropped 35 cents while we see all this draw-down of silver on the LBMA.  First thing that comes to mind is the riggers are still trading paper and ignoring physical stockpiles.  What do you think, Bix?


I bought 10 BTC's at 200 because it went down so much and sold all the way up cashing 200k 🤑
And spend a good portion of that amount on Silver 😁
Also swapped some BTC for Theta and Tfuel!


Bought 6 eagles at 36.33 apiece... best trade in history..


Trump also said he likes silver 💥💥💥👍👍👍




Bix is right about BTC.  I put $15K into BTC early on buying 8.25 . . . pretty sure it'll go way past $100K given it's already broken that number.  Waiting around for almost a decade.  Have to wait for Trump to do his thing though, including making BTC un-taxable which may or may not happen.  For what it's worth Gary Gensler sucks ca-ca through a radioactive straw.