
This angle and these longer cuts of highlights show this game at an entirely different level. They’re playing at a really high level for high school honestly. Bryce is doing well for his role honestly, he could be a better decision maker but he’s good in his role and has physical gifts that if he can master can only make him better


Arizona gave bryce a bag 😭bro aint even starting smh thats weird


one of the best games i have witnessed out of Cali


11:57 lol you gotta act clean on that one πŸ˜‚


Best player on the floor is #2 in white, he's a beast!!!!


That was a really good game.  Big ups to the winners they played hard down by 8 to come back. Good game πŸŽ‰


This was a good ass video and basketball game❀


Don't sleep on bryce. I Think he is nicer than bronny.


This whole time I'm thinking he start πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚




So is br6ce season over? What was his stat line for this game?


0:19 why tf he run like datπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


damn Bryce that's yo shot. Gotta hit that. Great game though.


Sierra Canyon Coach SOLD TF OUT THIS GAMe called 2 timeouts right before easy buckets LMAO


I’m 37yrs old how do I tryout for this team? This semi pro?


I didn't see Lebron's son do anything! He even missed the last shot! The titles on these videos need to stop! SMH!


SO winning the open the division..


Are they in the semi finals or quart finals


seriously though why did Bryce James shoot a three when they were only down 1?

also did not expect SC to win given that they usually lose in these close games and to actual good teams and barely beat opponents in their own pool that they were ranked above


How tf do you miss this call???  31:29