
Whoever is reading this comment, I wish you success, health, love and happiness


Я Благодарю Тебя, Господи, за все, что Ты даешь мне и моим близким! Я благодарю Тебя, Господи, за все то, чего Ты не даешь мне и моим близким! Я благодарю Тебя, Господи, за все радости и печали,которые есть у нас, ибо только Ты один знаешь, что нам на пользу!!!❤🕊️


주님 앞에 제 마음을 내려 놓습니다. 제 마음속에 오셔서 주님의 사랑과 은혜로 병든 마음을 치유하시고 하나님의 사랑으로 충만하게 하소서. 예수님 이름으로 기도 드립니다. 아멘.


God please help me overcome the obstacles in life that keep me from growing a closer relationship with you, My Lord. Please I cannot do this alone I NEED YOU, JESUS. I love you and I say this prayer with faith to you that you will help me overcome these difficulties. Amen 🙏 ❤




If you’re reading this comment, it’s not too late; you've already been immensely blessed with an abundance of love, wealth, luck, health, joy, and whatever else your heart desires!! I'm so proud of you for surviving everything you’ve been through. This is your sign to go after what your heart most desires for the highest good; it's your time to shine. ✨💖🌟


Jesus please  heal my whole body in the name of the father and son amen


Pai selestial venho diante de ti curame espiritual e mental e físico e mosional amém gratidão




Goodbye all dark energy in the name of Jesus. Jesus is my healer. I'm healed completely. Amen


Hey you. Yes, you. You're probably scrolling through the comments, like I am, reading all these motivational comments. If you are reading this at night, you should get some sleep, and don't stress about everything going on in the world, or what you are going through. Don't dwell on things from the past, don't stress on your future. Just live your life, because you only get one. Do whatever makes you happy, not what other people want from you. For me, I'm gonna wake up tomorrow morning, get some exercise, and cherish life for the amazing blessing that it is. I hope you do the same and have an amazing day as well! Stay safe and stay relaxed


Puji nama Tuhan pemilik alam semesta 
Kami dan keluarga sangat bersyukur dan bangga punya Tuhan Yesus  hidup serta yg SDH menyelamatkan hidup kami dr belenggu dosa, biarlah segala sesuatu yg terjadi dalam kehidupan keluargaku semuanya dalam Kasih KaruniaNya yg membuat ketenangan dan pengharapan dalam hidupku 
Terima kasih Bapa 
Terima kasih Yesus
Terima kasih Roh Kudus


Thank you, God, for all the blessings, your presence in my life, I am grateful for the life you still give me to this day,Amen🙏🙏🙏


하느님ᆢ하느님이 제게 하고자 하시는일을 감당할수 있도록 이끌어 주셔요. 감사합니다🙏🙏🙏


Heavenly Father
please heal my body and make it
free of pain and watch over me and my Husband and my Son and my Grandchildren 
and everyone that is listening to this video in Jesus Name AMEN


Gracias por compartir esta música que toca el alma. 🎵🕊 Que el Espíritu Santo te acompañe en cada paso de tu camino. 🙏


병마와 싸우고 있습니다.
꼭낫게 해주세요
꼭요 꼭요
아버지 하느님
예수님의  이름으로
기도합니다  아멘


Κύριε   Ιησού   Χριστέ   μου   σε  παρακαλω🙏 θεράπευσε  το  σωμα  μας  απο  τους  πονους  τις  αρρώστιες   και   απο  σκοτεινες  ενέργειες  Ευχαριστω❤ Δοξα   στον  Ιησού  Αμην 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


아멘 아멘 
하느님 감사합니다 ~♡♡♡


Padre Santo aiutami a superare le  difficolta' e da' tanta salute a me e alla mia famiglia, amen.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹