I am grateful for this time we are in, for if we can't go to the cave, the cave can come to us 😊. I am grateful to YouTube and all the social media, the workers and the network, God bless you all in Jesus name.
The sound is so gentle and soothing. To the person reading this comment, it's okay, it's okay to feel lonely sometimes, if you're going through tough times, keep pushing through, but never give up, I wish you success success in health, love and happiness!🧡💥❤❤
You are a true gift - Ty for this performance. And whoever is reading this know that you are so needed on this planet. Whatever is keeping you up at night - your STRONGER!
Also I like the guy look and energy he looks humble relax me to see him too❤❤❤❤❤
This is so wonderfully peaceful! II don't know who needs to heart his right now... Know that today is the day to say yes. Yes, to YOU! If you wish to heal the world, start with self-love. You are capable of making your life your own. I don't know who you are, but I LOVE YOU!! Blessings to you in Love and Light! 🙏💖💫
✨To whoever is Reading this✨ " Everyone has bad days. Pick yourself up and Keep going... Don't GIVE UP! " 🙏❤
I had this dream in 2020 of a cave in clay, it was people around me, at the opening of the cave, having a party but the cave was calling on me. I choosed the cave in the dream, and I went through a canal first, alone but I felt safe, warm and covered. I still haven't regretted choosing the cave. And I still get the same sensation of love in vitro sounds, with the singer bowls or other sitting meditations. Thank you.
I love the singing bowls, especially after work. I don't know if it's only me but I get the feeling of in vitro life, safe, warm and covered.
In sound we are united Reverberating in the universal truth Beyond words n feelings Just at peace, breathing the good.
Washing my hair - humming into the sink the sounds are synchronized and the vibration is going thru my entire body - so soothing and warm - thank you
Унікальний замінник пігулок. Щиро дякую. Підписалася.❤ 🎻🍁🇺🇦🌅🙏🙏
Thank you. I played your bowl music as my mum was in hospice.
J'oserais avouer que j'étais en pleine crise de panique, lorsque j'ai découvert vos sons et gestes, en cherchant une aide. Vous avez merveilleusement allégé mon mal être, en me redonnant une paix intérieure, que je n'espérais pas ! Merci infiniment pour ce moment, si important pour moi ! Avec toute ma reconnaissance !
So far we are in March 2025 this sounds are working my self-esteem when higher I am taking time for me....I will continue listen this sound all 2025 ❤❤❤❤❤ is important to love & respect yourself in the way stress is gone....
The sound is soo spiritual that today wn i heard it it makes my mind cool calm and I was able to sleep peacefully Thanku lotss of gratitude
I am going to listen this sounds all 2025 everyday to relax my mind & body I will let you know in the end of the year how I feel ❤❤❤❤❤
gives new meaning to chilling out with a bowl
ये धरती भगवान की बानाई सबसे सुंदर रचना थी.... हम इन्सानोने इसको ना खुदके लिये ना अन्य साजिवो के लिये जीने लायक छोडा है...im sure ki कुदरत एक दिन अपना हिसाब करेगी... उस दीन धरतीपर इंसान का अस्तित्व खतम होगा aur बाकी सजीव अपना जीवन शांतीसे बसर करेंगे...