
This guy: dies almost 300 times and makes an amazing series while having fun
Me: dies one time
Also me: delets world


I think you might be able to place torches every where except one spot where you could make a mob farm. It might or might not work, just giving a suggestion.


By far best series on YouTube šŸ‘


"so, why do i fail so much? its not because im bad at minecraft"

fails water mlg


Try building a mob farm to capture some of those enemies, and put the portal in a room with ceilings 1 and a half tall ceilings( put a slab on the roof), so the only enemies that can get into your world are the short ones, but if a tall one gets in you can just crouch over to them, have some distance of course, and just swing your sword or shoot a bow at them


That makes sense. Although Iā€™m sure your reactions each time you die are epic


Everyone gangsta till he does it in hardcore mode...


Lol he should replace the floor with slime blocks


You should make a piglin farm , there is probably a basic/small design that you could make on the nether roof and it would make things a lot easier


I suggest that you build a 1 block to max heigh then make a platform 
Then just use a many torch in the ground


I am Indian but I love to see you šŸ˜Œ


Can we just talk about how perfect that loop was


Here's my ideas:
1.Put water down at the bottom of the world
2.put slabs where you don't want mobs spawning


The one chunk chanlange  Awways reminds me of the old stile worlds that are sadly getting removed...
I miss old Pocket edition features like it


I like your video. Why dont you make regular video series or lets play?


The song is kk ride from animal crossing new horizon


This man has a great taste in music.


Odd suggestion, I know your resources are limited but if you got a wood farm you could make a layer of signs with water in between them a few blocks above ground level to stop fall damage


The animal crossing music is so amazing


imagine if this was hardcore lmfao