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Don’t underestimate the power of sarkari babu
Looks like some people can’t digest the fact that the best minds have been outfoxed by a low ranking govt official. It’s wonderful to see those in pain.
Do they really think government will listen to them because of simple emails, when they don’t even listen to people, even when they start protests.😂😂🤣🤣
I remember watching AIB's awareness videos on this issues. If it was not stopped today we would have to pay different fees for accessing sites freely and at good speed, basically we would have been on mercy of facebook and data providers for accessing the internet freely and a good speed, if any site or service was not part of their subscription then the speeds would have been lowered significantly. This was the time when government agencies like trai actually cared about the people.
India has the world's strictest Net Neutrality laws. For the uninitiated, If this Net Neutrality policy was not there, you'd be paying a different amount for accessing each different website or service you visit on internet. You'd be forced to use your paid internet data, only on certain websites as decided by telecom providers. And big companies like FB can easily make deals with these telecom ops to extract more and more money for each website you visit on Internet.
# Babu supremacy. # Babu ko 21 topo ki salami # Never mess with Indian Babus and stay happy forever 😂
That "babu" after hearing his compliments now be like :- Me gira hua banda Jamani🤣🤣
This is Facebook for which Myanmar is under military regime 😢😢
Babudum is like a counter weight to crony capitalism
Indian officers are dynamic and have best minds.
Zuckerberg looks like Ai android robot 🤖
Basically babu’s kaamchori saved us for a change
Low ranking babu said - "no paisa no kaam"
Net neutrality was a huge scam😂😂😂😂😂
Meta took a lesson from this & removed the opt out option when they pushed an WA update a few years ago forcing users the only option to update the WA..
The entire news I felt like "circular confusion". The narrator is narrating the narrative by narrating the narrative!😂
The only app I currently use is WhatsApp hope India develop something of its own soon.
The officer might have watched videos on Free Basic and realized why allowing it in India is a poor idea.