They should just call it Windows OS. The Business version should be called Windows 365
I really want them to launch the Surface Neo.
After seeing Apple announce Big Sur, I think Microsoft is pulling the same trigger, and there is no wrong in it
Windows 11: No More Control Panel* *except a little bit
I really hope sun valley includes updating the UI of "legacy" components of windows like file explorer and its variable dialog boxes.
I'd rather flash Windows 11 to my Surface Duo over updating to Android 11. I'm likely reading too much into Satya's keynote claiming windows across all your devices.
They could call it Windows X. They did say Windows 10 will be the last version of Windows. Switching to Roman Numeral does not entirely break that statement. Although I would honestly prefer if they call it not by number but after landmarks (like what Apple does) them keep 11.0 as the version number.
They could rename windows 10 to just 'Windows' and call it a day😂
When your still are windows Phone fan, and starring them in background.
I still love the tiles and even have Square home on my Android phone. Bring back Windows Phone!!!!
Hope you guys will use Youtube's timestamp feature for question and increase the video length!
I'm on an almost 4yo Samsung Note 8, waiting for the Surface Duo 2 to finally free myself from this laggy hell. For the love of cats, Microsoft please release the SD2 in all of Europe/Scandinavia (but especially in Norway)!
im skipping DUO 2, i still love my duo 1. I will wait next year for DUO 3. third times always a charm.
Let me guess - Windows 1.1 or just, Windows; I like the sounding of just Windows, but it gets painfully hard to Google "Windows issues" or troubleshoots
Great info and presentation about Microsoft products.
Did they announced when is the date for the "next generation of windows" reveal? I can't wait anymore, this recent news and rumors about the new update are giving my hype
I have been on Windows 10 for just a year. I am just getting used to it.
Maybe just windows sun valley
At first I thought it was just going to be a 21H2 update but with bigger than usual UI changes, but after hearing all these stuff: - Will Windows 11 (or whatever it'll be called) based on Windows Core? - Will they drop 64bits support, leaving Windows 10 for people that need legacy support? I mean, WoA is already 64bits only, and new ARM processors coming early next year won't support 32bits for the most part (only A710 cores), so, this could clean up things quite a bit. It would be a great way of moving forward without stopping support for legacy (with Windows 10) - Will it have the a new Windows store with Winget working under the hood? I want to keep my expectations low but I'm getting very hyped guys.