
Story of my life......timing is everything and I didn't know about this live until 35 minutes after the fact. Thank you for all you do, Brian.  Pretty back yard and looks like a relaxing pool!  Love and Light.


Love to see you at home and allowing the personal time and questions.  You should do this every few months with updates 😊


Brian hi thank you for taking us with you on your journey πŸ’– i love watching you


Brian, I enjoyed your Q & A. Hope to catch you live next time.


LOVE the clean-freak response. My hubs is the ultimate CF - if I load the dishwasher, he will visit after I'm done and FREAKING rearrange the dishes! The solution? I never load the dishes anymore! lol


Hi Brian, always like to see you play,  you are genuine. From Toronto.


And this is why you are the best slot channel there is!  Love how you interact with us and you are such a joy to watch!  ❀️


Thank you, Brian. I really enjoyed this live. Please do it again.


Hello from Va. Love watching all of your videos. I love to be on one of your group pulls


Love you Brian, please take care of yourself !πŸ’—πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜˜


hi BC, luv the video , insight into your life.  Feel like I know you so much more. Glad house is coming along, even if bit slower . Can't wait for new game to premier, .wishing you all much luck from NZ :face-blue-smiling::hand-pink-waving:


This was fun to watch.  My mom lived in PS and had the same view from her bed.❀


Brian - huge fan. Want to thank you and Mr Handpay for the positive vibes. I love watching slot play and get SO frustrated listening to other YouTubers talk crap. You both are such wonderful men. Appreciate your positive energy ❀you are the OG!


Aww❀❀❀. What a beautiful dream. I can tell it hit your heart❀❀❀. One day friend you and Marco will have a special little one of your own. ❀❀. Enjoy being a big brother until then.


Hey Brian!  I have an amazing lemon cello recipe.  I’ll look for it and send it too you.  When I make it I put it in quart jars and freeze it.  In the summer I take it out and blend it with frozen strawberries!  Delicious 😊😊


Thanks for sharing Brian. This is nice of you to do.


Love the Lemon tree but love the Pool more!  This is awesome Brian!


Hi Brian Christopher wow I love your video thanks for sharing it's very nice to do hope seeing you soon I love the name  you choose for your New slot machine it's all the love from south Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦β™₯οΈπŸ˜‚πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ»πŸŽ‰


Hi Brian, so nice of you to do this live feed. Wishing you all the best ❀


That was really nice! Thank you!