
Gabor Mate is someone that everyone should listen to and learn from ❤


I adore Gabor Mate! What a great interview … I’ve bought his book on trauma -  no better person than he to talk about childhood trauma and consequences of this unjust and horrific endless war. Thank you 🙏🏼


Thank you for sharing 🙏 free Gaza 🇵🇸 Palestine




Thank you🥰 Dear Dr ❤ for sharing and caring ❤️🇵🇸❤️


And imagine the monstrous impact it's had on the collective Israeli psyche, to have told themselves for DECADES that their country's heartless brutality against the Palestinians is normal, necessary and desirable! How about the impact on US citizens who lie to themselves that our country "must" provide money and weapons to prolong the endless horror?


So what do you suggest we do Dr Gabor to stop this madness that has been going on FOREVER 
Yes we can’t just take one side!


This is an incredibly important topic and Mate’s books are usually solid on the topic of ptsd. However, he knowingly spreads unscientific miss information on other topics such as ADHD in a very unethical manner. The scientific community that researches ADHD knows him to be incredibly problematic. 

There are many other well spoken people who can draw attention to this very important topic. But because Mate knowingly spreads miss information on topics he happens to not like the data on, this makes him an incredibly sketchy source to be referring to! 

Anyone who knows of his unethical scientific credibility will find his use in the news problematic. 

There are so many better people, MDs, scientists etc to be using to spread this information. 

Please check on the medical and scientific credibility of tv/pop lit MDs before hosting them. Thanks!


😊 Thank You for all you said and done over the many years.
(nv cgss)...  ❤
?? name the 10 things you need in order, to survive??
...Simple but Difficult...