
Misty you look glamorous in this vid! πŸ˜‰πŸ‘


I love the German Easter eggs!


I loved the wrap around dress.  I used to wear those, and also wrap around skirts when I was in school.  Such good memories.



Wow great video.  Love everything you shared!!  Thanks


β€œHe looks like he’s been in the Easter grass” Ha ha ha! Great Easter stuff - fun video!


Love when you and Mark are shopping together πŸ€—β€οΈπŸ’‹


I am obsessed with your hat!!!❀❀❀


I like color coordination too, makes eyes and brain happy.


I love ALL the bunnies!!!!
This was fun shopping!


I love sugar bowls too.
Happy St. Paddy’s DayπŸ€πŸ’š
LOL, little baby JeffJeff hanging on the wallπŸ€£πŸ˜‚


Soooooooooooooo fun to see the unusual jewelry M. Thank you. Fun to shop with you.




I can hardly ever turn down china with pink roses. The beautiful dishes of the past and they were great prices! I’m wanting to go to Relics on my way to my cousins in Columbus. My family was there in the 1820’s. Love the place in Mooresville, fun! Thanks for taking us along. Hi Mark πŸ‘‹


Another fun video. Mark is so patient with shopping. You got a good guy


Love the Ewok! Shocked you didn't bring Mando home with you!


WOW! Those places are real  treasure troves. They are all in Indiana where I live and I'm so darn disabled I can't get out to shop anymore. So I love going shopping with you and Mark.😊


What a great shopping trip! I love going along with you to all the antique stores. Mark, you did a lot of shaking your head but I know you were having a good time too.


I could watch you shop for hours!!! Love it. Mark is so amazing ! He's so sweet, and lotsa patience. 
Adam the woo!!!  Both of you are my" go to first" youtubers!
And dearly departed!


I love Misty and Mark shopping videos. I loved all the treasures that you found. 😊 All of those cute Easter things..... oh my goodness❀


You two are adorable. I admit I do enjoy going shopping with you all.