i have 1k likes apparently?
Bossfight at the end is against Gareth Bale
He played for Piemonte calcio as well you know EA
yep so I'll never get to play with him thanks for the confirmation
Can't wait to never afford him
Well another legend that I'm never gonna use, specially because EA just take out the legends team in offline modes 👏🏻👏🏻
Just one question. Will he pass the ball to Gareth Bale or not if we played him together?
They should've done a 2006 version, old Zidane humiliating everybody at 2006 World cup
Don’t be fooled by the cinematic trailers people. This will be the same as Fifa 19 and you know you’ll rage when the hype dies early October🤷🏾♂️
Zidane icon > my house and my first child
Zidane5 The best to ever have played the game for me, not really to bothered by FUT but always nice to see the Great man Zidane in the Game.💙⚽👏
People hyped about cinematics, you did it again EA, congratulations !
Well deserved for zidane. Cruyff should be 97 prime though, if zizou is 96 prime. Cruyff probably was the same in ability as maradona, if not better.
MattHD showed us this already lol
Let's hope he doesn't have 75 Stamina like all the other legend cards..
Fifa 20 releases Fifa Youtubers the next day: I got prime Zidane, OMG I got Zinedine Zidane, I packed Zinedine Zidane in a 100k pack Me: A month later and the best player I will get will probably be 86 rated
Waiting for this one moment from a long time😭
All diese Legenden sollten die auch in Rest der Welt als zB " İconen " bzw " Legenden " hinzufügen damit wir auch mit denen einfach so Freundschaftsspiel spielen könnten. Währe echt super.