
it’ll definitely be interesting to see how much this game can progress as time goes on


As a old cod player I really wish this game had a killfeed, hitting a 6on and seeing it on the feed it just hits different


- penguinz0


oh so it was you that was deleting my team with an awm


miss the old videos glad you are getting into new content phantom lowkey got boring. ♥


sniping is weird but very satisfying


Whenever they make xbox playable is when I will start to love this game


I don't know what the hell happened to your PF or if you have made a video on this but I beg, beg you to make a video about Henry 410(Henry but Bore conv). It deals 50 damages EACH pellet up to 30 studs, 50. PHAKING. DAMAGES. It's pretty bonker, if you don't mind it having only 6 pellets and the horrendous damages drop, this thing, hand off, the best non-shotgun shotgun in the entire game. Here, have this setup:
PBS-1 Suppressor
Skeleton grip
Default(Maybe removed stock but I'm yet to unlock it)
.410 Bore(Of course)
-Default Iron sight is gud
-This suppressor keep the good handling stat while suppressing the ear bleeding gun shot
-Quick scope
-Default gud, but removed maybe viable
-.410 Bore: yeah..


Wondering where Justin Coding is lol


I like sniping in this game but for some reason quickscoping with the awm seems to sort of leaves you guessing where the enemy is gonna move since the scope obstructs your vision for a short time. If they did something about this, the awm would be the only thing I would use lol


Yeah this is insane.

Also uploaded 35 seconds ago? HOLY HELL IM EARLY


i would absolutely love to start grinding out frontlines, but i average 30-40 fps on it, even with the lowest graphics settings


they need to make more attachment choices so you can build it to be faster or depending on how you play


Cool video


I couldn't find the optic you were using on the AWM. how did you find it?


You just know he is not a cod player when he says super sprint and not tac sprint


its nice that they fixed the sniper scopes bc before the fix scope was p2w compared to the abysmal awm scope lol


Personally, I would say that cavalcade is at least the best map in my opinion considering HOW MUCH head glitches there are in the map


thank you another person who doesn't like canyons


Man told us how broke and low level we are to unlock that sniper