This sound with the birds singing it is so peacefull! I wish Health and Peace for everybody!
May I receive complete divine healing of mind body and soul. Remove any and all Negativity of thoughts, or deeds towards me…and energies that may cause me to feel fear or anxiety. Quiet my mind so I can LISTEN and HEAR YOU. Direct my every step. My every word. I Thank you my SOURCE OF EXISTENCE ABUNDANCE PEACE And LOVE. THANK YOU 🙏🏽 THANK YOU 🙏🏽 THANK YOU 🙏🏽
We are resonating with our creator, let’s create a glorious way in the Golden Age. 🌟🙏🌟
May Divinely Inspired Peace that surpasses all understanding be Granted to each of us as we connect to Mother Earth and embrace our divinity on this Healing journey. May our heart mind soul and body be cleansed and Renewed. May we receive and be blessed eternally. May all our manifestations of abundance cone to fruition in the 3d and we ascend and connect with our 5d Higher Self. THANK YOU UNIVERSAL CREATOR. I am grateful for all that I Am.. All that I Will be and All that I have… EVERYTHING is ALWAYS working out for me.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
We are all brothers and sisters in his creation, let’s honor him by healing and receiving his messages. Can we acknowledge this with 🙏☮️❤️
Feels united with the universe and nature, perfectly relaxes
Gracias Infinitas al Iniverso, al Creador a los aangeles y arcangeles poe todas lo bueno que pasa y las pruebas que ponen siempre, agradecido por siempre y a seguir creciendo.
We’re all United with God our creator. 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
благодарю за красивые сияющие мкдитации и чистую рачтворяющую музыку природы земли намастэ!💗💕🙏💗🙏🙏💗
This is a very rewarding experience, I am so grateful at your offering. ☮️🙏🌞
Thank you for the birds! I cope with an auto immune disorder and I'm praying that this will help. Fantastic sounds! Thank you! NAMASTE
Thank you for this, I really needed to relax & meditate today. Just find some peace. I'm grateful for finding your video. I pray for peace today for everyone listening. Happy Sunday 💜
The aura of my environment is consisting with my experience entirely, I have a bird outside my window as I align with this healing video.
Of all creatures that were to sing their praises to the universe daily, only birds kept that promise.
May loving kindness, surround you, me, and all sentient beings. May all be well.
Thank you so much, may abundance always be with You and so it is,,,,💗💗💗
Grata a Deus,por tudo que ele preparou para nós,o canto dos pássaros ,gratificante presente do Criador🙏🏽
Великолепная музыка !погружает с лёгкостью в состояние благодати, умиротворения. Благодарю!
❤ спасибо большое за музыку.