
This series will be streamed during the first 20 nights of Ramadan after Taraweeh prayers live from EPIC Masjid (East Plano Islamic Center) insha'Allah 😊


I can't wait! I'm rewatching the previous one these last few days before Ramadan. It was that great.


May Allah heal the broken hearts. The one's who are silent, who cannot express their pain. The one's who are tired of torment. The one's who need a break. May Allah put an end to our sadness. May Allah put a smile on our face. Ameen!!! ❤


Your striking examples series is the reason I started my bayyinahtv journey! I still have a long way to go but not a day goes by when I don't study from it. JazakAllah!


I literally screamed when I saw the title. 
Striking examples has been the best series for me to go through Quran in general. 
I'm re-watching the lectures, making notes because the wisdom in that series is so immense. 
Now spending ramadan with striking examples 2 feels like a dream & blessings that we never thought we would get. 
May Allah reward Ustad & bayyinah team for all their efforts ameen.


Dear Ustadh, 
The Incredible and outstanding 2 decades have given a new perspective of Quran.. 
You have touched some of the striking topics of Quran in a simple way.. 

In sha ALLAH you will be amongst the highest ranks in Jannatul Firdaus... Aameen


God bless your efforts and enable you to spread your love of the Quran to all humanity to light up their dark paths


My teacheeeeeeeeer. Mau Allah bless you with goodness in this life and in ahkirah. Live u!


May Allah accept our fasting, prayers this Ramadan and help us connect with the Quran. Ameen.
May Allah accept this righteous work from Bayyinah and brother Nouman and help us watch and learn more about the Quran. Ameen. 
May Allah forgive us and our sins. Ameen
May Allah grant us and our familes jannah Al Firdaus with the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Ameen.


bestest teacher ever.  May Allah Subhan-o-Tallah bless Ustad with the blessings of here and hereafter🥺🥺🥺


Inn sha Allah, the rest will bring us the greatest reward of this Ramadan. We wil listen, absorb and purify our ♥ inn sha Allah. For me this will be the greatest present for this Ramadan.  May Allah keep you and your surroundings with all his love and mercy. 🤲🤲🤲❤️


Can't wait to have a positive and productive Ramazan


This series are
amazing and so beneficial,  just mind  blowing!!! Masha Allah. May Allah SWT  reward you in this life as well as the next ustadh Nouman and the whole team. Ameen.


Ustadh, I've been watching you since you were in the cubicle with the kufi 🤣 I came out of grad school the year you came onto YouTube & I've relied on your teachings ever since. May Allah SWT allow us to witness this upcoming Ramzan & draw closer each day Inshallah. Thank you for thinking of us 🙏🏾🤲🏽💯


So excited! ❤


I just can’t wait for Ramadan and watch every day live session in which USTAD NAK explains Quran deeply and in a beautiful way. InshaaAllah ❤


May Allah's Great blessings be upon you  always, Ustadh Nouman.


so grateful to have u NAK lov your work, May Allah make it easier ameen


I am excited 2025 your Ramadan serise, 2024 last year was good !


Looking forward to joining this continuation, IA. The program last year was phenomenal and was a pillar of my Ramadan Quran study and reflections. Many thanks for all of this work!