
Implementing this user interface as a dedicated tablet mode on the standard Windows 10 sounds like a better idea to me.


Man, that UI is clean AF


Does windows 10x is gonna have a widget features like clock or something? The homescreen looks very plain


We need Windows 10X in Smartphones.


Wish we can pin Live Tiles on the Desktop šŸ˜” Even in Windows 10


I can only imagine bringing back to life an old pc with this OS.


Windows has needed this since 8 flopped. They havenā€™t had a product capable of competing in this space in a long time. And I mean the lower end touch pc space. This might actually offer a compelling argument against android/Chrome os and IOS


If you wanna show off fluidity of your animations, please consider filming at 60fps


ā€œMore fluentā€ actually means as fluent as Surface did in win8.1 before win10 ruined the experience


I miss win 8s charms bar, loved using win 8 on my original surface pro


That took some time for Microsoft to do! Also never been so early! Tbh I kinda like this


even with those improvements on the animations, which, granted, are good, this still looks like there are frames missing .-.


The interface is great and the web apps integration is fantastic. Very excited to see where this goes.


Why canā€™t the experience on Windows 10 just be as fluid as this


I just don't understand, why Microsoft can't make tablet mode in Windows 10 and give some of this features to it, or to make it behave more like in Win8 in that mode...


I'd like to have this on my Surface Pro X.  Thanks for a great video.


I'd love to see Windows 10X on Surface Go though. That'll be nice.


can't wait for this on surface pro x


I actually love this new way to work with tablets. Good job Microsoft šŸ‘


That UI looks nice, Iā€™d like if you had an option in settings where you can have multiple windows open at the same time.