
You make me feel [TITLE CARD]


Mark vs Conquest 🔥🔥


We beating conquest with this one 🔥🔥




2:25 This visual representation of a band is the coolest fricking THING i have ever seen. Jesus that's so cool and iconic.


dude... I refuse to believe this came out FOUR YEARS AGO—I remember running up to my mom and telling her Skillet released a whole new album, we went to Skillet’s concert in LA to hear this song, and I used to listen to it RELIGIOUSLY. I just suddenly remembered Skillet today. This song still hits harder than ever.


Honestly, as a non-religious person, when I think "Christian music", I think incredibly watered-down extremely quiet, wholesome music. When I googled Skillet, I was quite surprised to find out they were a Christian rock group. I listen to bands with a similar sound to them, and I'm sticking around.


In memory of my dear friend Chelsa. She was my youth pastor and friend for 20 years. Last year she passed away. She loved Skillet. 🤟🏻


I’m telling you, Jen Ledger’s clear vocals intermixed with John Cooper’s howls…absolute perfection


This song really makes me feel invincible


This is the moment when neither the title of the band, nor the theme of the songs will no longer confuse you. 
Thank God for Skillet! Thank you guys for your work!!!




Skillet be like: Let us introduce ourselves where our music can be an awesome Christian song, a Gym song, Fight Song, Anime song, Gaming music and a movie theme song at the same time...


I had an interview for a for a new job today.  Last night before laying down, I gave praise to the Lord that I may get this job.  As I slept, this song repeated the whole night in my head.  I woke knowing that my faith in Jesus makes me invincible.  I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!


As a Christian who wasn't always a Christian this song helps me let loose and rock out just for little bit


Imagine if this song played in the Invincible series, that would be absolute cinema.


This band has changed a lot and I like it


8 years ago, in 2016, i started my fitness journey. Back then i was fat, lazy and depressed. 
One day, i decided to change that and go gym. This song was playing on the first day, and it quickly became my motivation song. 
Now i am healthy, happy and can deadlift 180kg. Skillet will always hold a happy space in my memory.


The lyrics:
Target on my back lone survivor lasts
They got me in their sights
No surrender no
Trigger fingers go
Living the dangerous life
Hey, hey, hey every day when I wake
I'm trying to get up, they're knocking me down
Chewing me up, spitting me out
Hey, hey, hey when I need to be saved
You're making me strong, you're making me stand
Never will fall, never will end
Shot like a rocket up into the sky
Nothing could stop me tonight
You make me feel invincible
Earthquake, powerful
Just like a tidal wave
You make me brave
You're my titanium
Fight song, raising up
Like a roar of victory in a stadium
Who can touch me 'cause I'm (I'm made of fire)
Who can stop me tonight (I'm hard wired)
You make me feel invincible
I feel I feel it
I feel I feel it
Here we go again will not give in
I've got a reason to fight
Every day we choose
We might win or lose
This is the dangerous life
Hey, hey, hey every day when I wake
They say that I'm gone; they say that they've won
The bell has been rung, it's over and done
Hey, hey, hey when I need to be saved
They counting me out, but this is my round
(You in my corner look at me now)
Shot like a rocket up into the sky
Nothing could stop me tonight
You make me feel invincible
Earthquake, powerful
Just like a tidal wave
You make me brave
You're my titanium
Fight song, raising up
Like a roar of victory in a stadium
Who can touch me 'cause I'm (I'm made of fire)
Who can stop me tonight (I'm hard wired)
You make me feel invincible
I feel I feel it
I feel I feel it
You make me feel invincible
You make me feel invincible
Shot like a rocket up into the sky
Not gonna stop, invincible
You make me feel invincible
Earthquake, powerful
Just like a tidal wave
You make me brave
You're my titanium
Fight song, raising up
Like a roar of victory in a stadium
You make me feel invincible
Earthquake, powerful
Just like a tidal wave
You make me brave
You're my titanium
Fight song, raising up
Like a roar of victory in a stadium
Who can touch me 'cause I'm (I'm made of fire)
Who can stop me tonight (I'm hard wired)
You make me feel invincible
I feel I feel it
I feel I feel it


They better play this at the final season of invincible