
Salute to President s bodyguard and Jai Hind major Saab bharat mata ki jai ho


first time get a close view on mighty PBG UNIT..
thank you major shab


बहुत ही अच्छा है, मेजर साहब, धन्यवाद 🙏🏻🫡🫡🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳


Good evening Major Gaurav great to see one more hopefully rocking episode of steel fist,keep the Good work going ...on and on...God bless ...Bharat Mata ki Jai..


शुरु से अंत तक जादू के असर के  की तरह प्रभाव वाली ।  अति गौरवशाली पेशकश।   जयहिंद जय भारत।


Thank you you! thank you for making this happen.... aap nahi dikhate tho kabhi mil hi nahi pate iss supreme regiment se. Thank you! Jai Hind!


Thank you so much 🙏🙏 
Proud of you The president's bodyguard.❤️❤️🙏🙏


I am speechless, we keep doing Hindu and Muslim here and the soldiers of our country live so harmoniously there, that is why we can celebrate with our family because those people are sacrificing for us without their families there, and I salute all these women, today I feel proud of being an Indian, this is the best video till now, Jai Hind🇮🇳🙏 Vande Mataram 🇮🇳🙏 Bharat mata ki jai 🇮🇳🙏🙏tysm major saheb for sharing 🇮🇳🙏🙏


Wow... what an amazing documentary....❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


#JaiHind #VandeMataram #BharatMataKiJai !!! #Salute2Martyrs #Salute2Soldiers #Salute2Scientist #Indians #UnitedWeStand #DividedWeFall #ReligiousHarmony #PeaceInIndia !!!


You have done a great favour on us by making this program.....kind of opened a page in history for our youngsters......  feel proud... thankyou so much Sir..
Salute to you


Colonel Amit Berwal Thank you so much for inspiring us. We respect you.


One of the BEST videos I have seen , not only in Chanakya dialogues , or in any military video but in the entire youtube. Jai Bharat 🇮🇳


Salute !! Very Nice - Jai Hind


बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद मेजर साहब। बहुत अच्छा लगा। हम सब को गर्व है अपने जवानो पर। जय हिंद।


Major Sir ❤जय हिंद जय भारत❤


Fascinating Major Saab. Your analysis and insights on diverse issues are so enlightening.


One among the senior regiments of the Indian Army!! Holds it's own among the Armoured Regiments as the rare horse mounted cavalry along with 61st Cav!! Forte lies in undertaking all ceremonial duties esp the Republic Day Parade..Unique, distinct in their own way!! That's the Presidents  Body Guard akaPBG ..Regalia, pomp and vintage on display!!


जय् माँ भारती ....
जय परशुराम. ..