I feel like if she was actually being pressured by transmascs to transition or whatever, she would have been told not to sleep in the damn binder
As a trans guy who's been in the same spaces I think she's talking about: EVERYONE TELLS YOU NOT TO SLEEP IN A BINDER AND NOT TO USE BANDAGES. If she did and it caused damage it's her own damn fault.
But if Hamas made her detransition, and she is happy, how can she condemn Hamas?
me and Maia were friends in college. we’re both from the same city but went to different high schools and our university is in “lesbian mecca”. she definitely had cis lesbian role models, she even stayed with a jewish lesbian couple for a while cuz her mom is TERRIBLE. it’s so crazy seeing her go from trans communist anti zionist jew to this. she was very vocal about palestinian rights and even spent time and made friends in the west bank. she also had been identifying as male since high school and passed like 80% of the time at college, just as a teenage boy and not an 18yo. i don’t think hamas made her detrans and i don’t think the woke mind virus made her trans. i think that she’s been trans but her mom and israeli culture convinced her not to. idk. she was like a brother to me and my mom was even like “he’s my kid too”. i feel kinda betrayed idk
Watching "trans content on her iPad" without learning that you never ever ever sleep with your binder (and you loosen it the second you start feeling unwell in any way) is a special feat.
The fit in this episode has you looking like the friendly rebel at the start of the game who teaches me how the stealth mechanics work.
Not only did this hypothetical high school have queer history, but if understood correctly you could also take it INSTEAD of world history. Yeah no. That definitely wouldn't happen. It would be an elective class at best.
There's nothing wrong with de-transitioning. I support anyone who has the self-awareness to recognize that they've taken the wrong steps to feel comfortable in their own body. However. The instant they start attacking trans people I loose all respect for them. Why can't these people recognize that other people have different experiences and outcomes than them? That what was wrong for them might be right for others? It's infuriating.
“If you're on Twitter,” Hah! I don’t hate myself that much.
Out of all her lies "I was super popular" rings the most hollow.
As a Ukrainian who started HRT just 3 months before the full-scale invasion I can say that just like I've fought for my first vial of testosterone, I've fought the same way for the same testosterone while being a refugee in Poland, then when I came back home I fought to find T even through Omnadren's shortage. HRT is a miracle that makes it worth to continue fighting❤
I'm a trans women and i even know that sleeping in binders is a no no! This lady is ridiculous.
Talk to any trans man, or anyone who binds for that matter, and they will tell you to not bind with ace tape or sleep with a binder on. With every thing that I learn about Maia, it just keeps getting worse and worse.
"Insanely racist and also very fucking stupid" is a perfect encapsulation of her entire approach. Loved this video, thanks for covering this! I have a tortie too but she's just a little baby.
My favorite thing about Maia is that her grift is so obvious that even other detrans grifters find her annoying
9/11 made me trans I wasn't born for 6 years after but still
dude I'd much rather be a detransitioner that barely transitioned in the first place than a transwoman who figured this shit out only a few months before Trump got reelected, this shit sucks, living in a red state sucks, I literally can't leave my house without going past a trump sign. I figured this out right after high school too, so I couldn't even test run a social transition with my school's GSA
Zinnia Jones (article writer) was a veritable pioneer here on youtube back in 2008. She documented her transition during a very hateful time when the proto alt right was forming. She never got enough love back then. Yall should search her name here and take a look
Back in 2017, I made the mistake of medically detransitioning (technically I didn't socially detransition, but I did start presenting way less fem than I really like to) because I was scared that I was going to lose access to hormones because of Trump. After several years of gradually worsening mental health, I decided to go back on hormones and proceed with bottom surgery. I often fell into the trap of looking at transition as a luxury that is meaningless in times of crisis, but like you said, crisis doesn't change who a person is. Passing, on the other hand, is absolutely a luxury, but that's another thing entirely. Also, like you said, if Ms. Cobblepot were trans then she would understand the difference. Thanks for the vid. As always, I appreciate your perspective.