
I was so ready to see my weight come off right after my surgery with Dr. A. so I started walking 1 hour a day twice a day and find myself getting weaker and dizzy sometimes since I was consuming very little food after my stomach was sized. I reduced walking time in half yet the weight kept falling off and felt better. Few months later I increased my walking again I just celebrated my 1 year  g. Sleeve anniversary, I have reached my target weight loss goal and everyone says I look fantastic and oh yes I I look amazing . Thanks Dr. A.


I thought I was doing something wrong because I don't have the energy to do more than my walking!!! Thank you for informing me that I didn't go through all of this for nothing!!


Even though I didn't have my surgery with you I want to thankyou because you have guided me soo much more then my doctor and surgeon in the bayarea California UCSF and General hospital


I was not able to start exercising right away because I needed a total knee replacement.  I got the weight loss surgery so I could get the knee replacement.  I am down 152 pounds and 8 months out from my sleeve and two days post op from the knee replacement.  I am looking forward to all the things I'll be able to do once my knee heals.  Cheers


This was very helpful. I'm 13 days in after gastric sleeve surgery. I was doing 10 laps around my house since I've been home. Now I see why I feel lightheaded and dizzy afterwards. I will wait after my 15 days and increase my exercise. Thanks again for this information. ❤


Great information. Thank you for confirming my thoughts and feeling. It took me almost a year to start to feel my body was ready to work out. And yes I had to keep in mind my body is different from before the surgery. Can’t lift the same weight prior to the surgery. Start out with light workouts and building up strength. People all around me trying to force me to workout but I wasn’t ready. Lost the Weight  and I’m now building up the muscle. Again great video and I will continue to fallow you and your advice. 🙏🏻‼️


You're a good man Dr Alvarez. Thank you


I wish I saw this 2 days ago I went walking one mile was so weak and dehydrated still recovering lol Did I mention I was 4 days post op and did this. Not exercising until one month now. Good video


Thank you! preop currently surgery scheduled 5/22/2023 🎉


Walking is to be done regularly after surgery for gas removal and to heal well. No excessive excersing though until YOUR surgeon tells you it's OK. I listen only to my doctor PERIOD


thank you for all of your info.  i am 3 weeks post op. started walking last week. going to join the gym next week and start slow....


I started walking a year before my surgery. I walked 2 days after surgery. Haven't stopped. I walk 10 hours a day at work walking. It's week 4 this Wednesday post Op


I've been walking since day 2 post op 😮 I don't know if it was okay because I've been fairly active even before vsg. I'm 2 and a half weeks post op now and my surgeon gave the green light to do anything and everything now even weight lifting. 
I wish everyone was on the same page, it's insane post op finding out EVERYONE has a different recovery and diet process. Is this normal since we all start at different weights and abilities? I guess that's been my biggest frustration after having the procedure.

That being said, I appreciate your informative videos, I don't feel so lost because you have all this information available when I need it ❤


Thanks for being so specific with the advice


Thank you, Dr. For this info. I had my surgery 1 month ago and I was thinking of going for exercise soon 😅😮 but now i know I can go do very little one. Thanks again.❤


I wish you were my doctor. My doctor has done it so much, he just doesn't have any bedside manner.


Been enjoying your content, given me a lot of information. My concern about the surgery and not being able to continue lifting like I have been for 2 years is my body is gonna take energy from all the muscles I’ve worked so hard developing. It seems hard to find info on how to exercise after surgery when you’re already active as it seems like most people getting surgery don’t exercise at all.


Thanks for the update ❤👍👍


That's why I almost passed out after walking 3 km 😅


Thanks for the tips ❤❤❤❤❤