WOW,thanks for sharing
Happy Holidays to NASA JPL.
Amazing 🤩
Cool! 👍
Wow awesome 😍
Wao nice
De las MMM`S no ha quedado ni un tornillo sano, La Solar Parker, Dios la tenga en su gloria. ... Amen
Merry QuantumEntanglement everyone!
1:11 🧠✅💯☀️
Thanks for sharing, NASA JPL.
Very interesting. It would be nice to reference any white papers that discuss this technology or even this project. Thanks for sharing.
The simpsons says wifi and cell service goes down Christmas
This mission would also come handy as a preparation for interplanetary human missions.
How many launches did it take to get them all up there?
Alguno de esos chismes lleva algun remedio para que el Sol se recupere?? lo que esta pasando se sabe desde la Tierra. La Nasa ahora quiere estudiar lo que le pasa al Sol... Dios mio estamos perdidos
But does it make toast?
2:35 ; With similar logic, the Earth's 365-day orbit around the sun (without sending satellites into space, with radio telescopes on Earth) can be used as a radio telescope with a diameter of 300 million kilometers.