1- medical grade is a marketing term it says nothing about the ingredients 2- more expensive doesn't always mean better 3-more products in tour regimen doesn't mean more effective 4-more water in excess may not yield results 5-anti-aging products should be used only when you see some aging 6-good skincare is not all that you need, nor sleep or rest in office treatments could be needed 7-You don't need to use retinoic acid but you can use retinol or retinal and get similar results 8-You don't need to use retinoids everyday 9- Night time regimen may not be the most important 10- eye creams don't avoid wrinkles
Could you do a video on skin care for women in their 70s?
I'm glad to see you address water consumption. On Reddit, drinking more water is SO over hyped, you would think it was a miracle cure!
Thank you for this! I will embarrassingly admit that I only became truly consistent with a nighttime routine with using retinaldehyde the past couple years, but the ONLY thing I’ve been religious about is making sunscreen a daily habit since my teens and started utilizing mineral eye sunscreen back in the mid-2000s before it became commonplace to find it anywhere. I will be turning 47 this year and most people are shocked to hear I've left my 30s years ago, and this is after surviving cancer, dealing with an autoimmune disease, and parenting special needs kiddos. Sunscreen for the win!! Thank you for the great content!
The worse myth is that people think they can stay forever young. The truth is, no matter what we do; we die a little bit every single day. We can try to do an outwardly effort, but the easy thing is to focus on what is important, like sunscreen, hygiene and hydration. That said, I have started retinol, not to stop aging, but in an effort to combat blackhead and breakouts, which I still combat in my 40s,and they are a problem in the times of the year I am outdoors, and all kinds of sunscreens for face I have tested make me breakout. There is only one way to forever young in my opinion, Jesus.
I recently started following your account (I have been an esthetician since 2023), and when you began emphasizing the importance of sun protection, I was truly impressed because I explain it to my clients almost word for word in the same way. Recently, I had a client who is 81 years old and of Iranian descent. She had a few pigmentation spots on her face, but her décolleté looked better than mine (I’m 35) and even better than that of many of my younger clients. Her skin was absolutely flawless, without a single spot. ❤
Yes, this info is so helpful. You are educating us and i believe that is a critical part of your expertise. Otherwise we are relying on the myths. Thank you😊
Having so many products in a skin care routine just overwhelms me so much. I tend to keeo simply i have my la Roche Posay gentle cleanser, prequel quinch serum, my sunscreen, tretinoin and ny moistizure.
I’d love to hear you talk about natural oils benefits on skin. For example I’ve heard that pomegranate oil boosts collagen
Great video, I’m unable to tolerate tret at the lowest dose more than once a week, my derm advised Medik8 Crystal Retinal 1, it so worth the spend, I was able to comfortably slowly build to nightly with really good results. I’ve also used sunscreen everyday for 35 years since the first time I saw a dermatologist at 30 for adult acne, I’m now 65 and live in Australia, I’m so thankful for her education on sunscreen.
I've had great results with prequel products for my skin, and I'd love to see prequel come up with some denature alcohol free, affordable, super effective solution for hyperpigmentation and dark spots that helps even out my skin tone.❤😊❤
I really love your videos…I am already aged 61…I obviously have sagging and loss of collagen…but I have great skin. When people ask me…I say, I have good genes…but most importantly I have worn sunscreen all my life…and it shows. I do not have a lot of discoloration. Also, I used it on my neck and hands…and it makes sense. This is such great advice. Also, love your brand because they are great products for a great price.
The most expensive skincare product I've paid for (other than tools) is my Photozyme DNA Youth Recovery. No regrets there! BUT most of my skincare is very affordable. I've loved every single product I've tried from Prequel! ❤
I am glad to hear you debunk the "medical-grade" myth! I follow your advice to choose products based on what I want to accomplish and which ingredients will help me achieve the desired results. I was applying too many products with no real plan for which products best met my needs. I rely on you and Dr. Sugai.
I am getting a feeling prequel is about to come out with a retinaldehyde product 😏
LOVE LOVE LOVE this video. Thanks for clearing things up.
Thank Dr. I want to age like fine wine instead of spoiled milk. 😊 💐💐
Thanks to all the wonderful education out there from the past several years, I am now a habitual sunscreen wearer! My question is- does one layer of spf in the morning suffice? Should I reapply just for the car ride home from work ? lol Thank you Sam for your extremely high quality content, I love your channel🩷🩷🩷
The cost cost of a skincare product may not correlate to its quality, but it does allow the consumer to complain loudly when it doesn't work!