Skiing on the grass is wild bro 💀
I love skiing and I found the best solution for the summer, at least for me: wake boarding and water skiing
That’s insane 🤯
Franchement trop simpas le ski sur gazon 😊mais ça craint d’en arriver là !! Réchauffement climatique
i finally found the person who used the rentals before me
As a pro skier… this looks hella fun ❤
This ain’t skiing this is grassing
Pov: the guy that had the rentals before you
Watching this hurt my ankles bro
The flip ✨
We do that in the winter here on the east coast
Hes the pioner of dirt skiing 😎
Looks like a east coast pow day lol
Les personnes françaises (ou quebs) qui ont entendu « trois deux un » et qui ont vu la description en anglais 😅 French people (or quebs) who heard "three two one" and who saw the description in English 😅
I wish my backyard is that
That would scratch the heck out of your skis 😬
What material is that?
watching this hurt me so bad i can’t see someone destroy armadas like that