More than half of my 20's was procrastinating and living in my own made hell. Moved across country back to my roots Reconnected with family Reconnected with childhood friend i didn't see for 12 years (knew him since first grade!) Rebuilt my mental health and finances after covid Weightlifting to get myself back to my past glory and beyond Got myself a damn nice car for practice driving now in my late 20's and aiming for the car license. Learned to work on my car, oil change, filters, tires etc and plan on changing brakes and discs before this winter, already have the parts. My sister had a baby and now i'm a proud uncle to a 3 year old. So much i wanted in life i was able to get, thanks in large part to family and my own experience in stagnation hell, if you've been in hell there's no stronger motivation out there to improve your life.
first of all THANK YOU author of the vid the key points are -> 1. Focusing too much on what you want to change and not what you want to START doing 2. Set clear manageable goals to avoid feeling overwhelmed and giving up. 3. All bark no bite; constantly talking about change but taking no action (just start NOW) 4. Learn from setbacks and maintain determination to improve. 5. not setting hard boundaries with yourself and others in your life lastly YOU are responsible for yourself (best advice for me)
I think you just saved me from my paralysis. I couldn’t go on with my own life and myself, I stopped living during 2022 and now after months of suffering and total blackout I feel like something inside of me just lighted up and started moving. Thank u.
i keep setting too many goals cause i feel like i dont have that much time at all, i just want to be able to do everything a certain amount everyday i wanna, paint, draw, play guitar, go outside, listen to music, read, and more creative stuff, and more and more but i also feel like i can accomplish it too, i have the will power to, but what stops me is, i dont have the will to uhh live? also the creativity, is a struggle cause sometimes whatever happens i cant be creative and cant do anything that day, thought that should be okay because trying to do something creative everyday isnt good at all
i like your point on the importance of taking responsibility for yourself. i'm better at this now than before, but for various aspects that i wanted to change in my life or things i wanted to do, i would be making excuses or barely trying when really i was resistant change, more so than i was willing to admit. a large part of actually changing or accomplishing something is being direct and honest with yourself. sometimes one of the biggest obstacles in the way of where we want to go is really ourselves. a helpful shift for me too was realizing i can start again literally whenever. it could be tomorrow, or monday, or january but then, why wait? i can start again right now with a small step. which may not be much to begin with, but it's a bit of a better use of my time than waiting for the "right" time. the "best" time to do something has passed, but the next "best" time is right now. great video!
Thank you for this video, I needed to hear these things! God bless & have a happy day today! 😊
I am currently dealing with the all bark no bite problem. I’ve been telling myself to just do the planing for my workout routine since my old one got really bad but then the more I keep thinking about it I just stop wanting to do it because my brain is already tired from thinking about it whole day while get stuck at my family store and unable to have free time to myself alone until in the evening only has several hours left. And due to my bad habit of having my imaginary TED talk to myself whenever I have alone time by myself, it’s harder for me to get things done because I kept yapping about things. I would like to do instead of just do it. Maybe it’s because those self talk makes me feel validated due to the little amount of attention from my family about my own lifestyle and the free time for myself which barely has it. I’m going to try this technique and thank you so much for pointing it out. Thank you for the YouTube algorithm for making this video popping up because I really need it. Still it’s pretty hard for me to quit yapping to myself because it’s really hard to make myself feel validated with the stuff I would like to talk since everyone keep ignoring yet always telling tough stories to me all the time. I’m gonna try. Thank you.
you've really hit a spot for me cuz i used to be that kind of person... It's liks i was being my own saboteur and standing on the way of unlocking my full potential where i could have been what i wanted to be sooner than i ever estimated...
i was trying learn english all my life but i was never starting, this day was never coming. i said myself recently ‘ why don’t you start? if you don’t start today you never start.` and i study english these days, i should say my performance is not too bad. i mean i try memorize words and i say myself each time ‘ if i’m doing wrong something at least i am memorizing a few words’ andd i am keep goinggg
This was really insightful and helped me a bunch. A lot of things here will stick with me. Thank you!
I can relate to the second one. I've came up with this Web-comic series around November of last year out of passion for a yet-to-be-released game, so I just put in mind that it was more of passionate project rather than anything else, so no money, just illustrations. Staying motivated was a hard process because I kept spending more time looking for inspirations rather than actually working on it, and because I had such a low feedback on the project I ended up slowing down the process. It's been a month or so since I concluded the second chapter, I told myself that I'do at least 10 chapters before January of next year, but I just kept thinking about it, and now that I know how time-consuming those things are, it's a bit unrealistic to think I'do all of it in just one year. At top of that, it's a non-profitable project, though reasonable since I've actually shared some of it with the game's devs themselves. I never really gave up on the project and I still hold a lot of strong ideas for it, but when you are working with something like this it just hits different. I also had a few ideas for books, some of which I did actually wrote but never really got to finish, and I'm not a books person either. Point is, even though I've never finished those personal projects, I never really let myself down as to think, "screw it", because at least I tried to make something and I didn't thought of giving up at that. Even when I felt like not doing it, I still tried to and ended up doing it anyways. I hope I can come back to those projects...
I deleted all social media 1.5 years ago. I recently got rid of my iphone. I have learned new skills since then. I am also an actress and filmmaker (filming my first short film this weekend). So I am totally resonating with your channel ❤ Buuuut. I am very addicted to youtube (I use my old iphone for this). This video kicked me in the butt and gave me the honest push I need to quit this addiction. Thank you!!
I'm so glad I've found this channel, I absolutely love the style of filming it's beautiful ❤
Thank your for this video !! I even took notes !! I needed to hear this !!
Thanks Asmodeus I haveny changed in the last 8 years.
this is so helpful, thank so much ❤
This is brilliant and profound. Thank you for your wisdom. 🤍✨
Thanks a lot for this reminder! I started making some changes in my life recently & my progress has been great so far, but I feel myself starting to stagnate a bit. I was trying to remedy that so this video came in at a perfect time