
ML : Zhang Beixi
FL : Qian Ruo

wait. i was not expecting a Zhang Beixi version of this plot!! This would be 8th version im seeng. im only 2mins in but let me say (1) im peeved they did not use Zhang Beixi's deep voice! That is already an opportunity missed there!! (2) im looking forward to see if this tops the intro and sticker scene in the Wang Yilei version which remains to be my fave out of all 7versions i have already watched!! BRB let me finish! 

linking the other versions below for those who wants to see them. these are fairly recent links i got so hopefully they are all still available. 

edit 10:50. Zhang Beixi seems to be the only one I have seen recently who gets what the purpose to putting his hand on the edge of the car is and places his hands WHERE IT IS SUPPOSE TO GO. y'all, this action is in majority of the dramas made but it irks me when they place the hand wrong. it is suppose to shield the woman's head from bumping into the edge of the car when she gets in/out of the car most people place it loke they are using the hand as umbrella and shielding her from the sun. or hovering above their heads like a halo!!! 😅😅😅😅

edit intro. This intro is almost the same as the intro for Wang Yilei. The slow shots just showing parts of Zhang Beixi´s hands/arm and jaw.  I think this compared to the Wang Nan version, was better executed. In the Wang Nan version, they were a little too fast in showing the parts on the screen - i think they did a second or two before switching to a new image, anyway, its too fast to be appreciated properly. before you can say something, they have moved on to the next frame so - for me - it looses its purpose in highlighting and hyping the introduction of the partner.

edit so, they kept the brother joining the show but they removed the brother´s wife/gf. Bummer for me coz his wife is one of my faves in this drama, I love her shutting down the b!atch who was gossiping about the FL. 

-edit -  they removed the part where the family holds a banquet to introduce her to society as their missing daughter which was sad because I love her mom pulling wigs left and right to teach those who bullied her daughter a lesson.  They cut the story here short, just letting the main leads dress up.

All in all, still enjoyable, but there are still parts missing IMHO. Storytelling wise, its still a toss up between V1 and V3. Introduction to the variety show and the sticker scene, I still say no other versions surpass the execution and spiciness of the Wang Yilei version.   V2 would be next, the others are okay  but it just made me laugh. Like the sticker scene is supposed to be hot, the other versions used stickers the size of a playing card, defeats the purpose of the scene since the actors does not have to put too much effort to (1) feel the location of the stickers and (2) remove them.  Still a good drama to pass time with, happy watching!  My least fave is still V7.
I still question the fashion choices they made on V4 with Li Boyan.  Sharing the links I have of the other version for those who are curious and want to check them out. 

V1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_1csLFV32k  https://youtu.be/jTrBKvdDD0E?si=UQuzDkrAifkD5uIw 
ML : Wang Xin
FL : Lei Xiaomi

V2 - https://youtu.be/6xRvRl7YxBg?si=LqhCjXICQt7VCy8O 
ML : Qiao Jiale
FL :  Zhang Shan

V3 - https://youtu.be/jzMrHuntKxw?si=3bmsbQ-66wALgBEX 
ML :  Wang Yilei 
FL :  Zhang Ruochen

V4 - https://youtu.be/CYeyhJHUJRk?si=mcKX9tijubkvvPz4 
ML : Li Boyan 
FL : Wang Jin

V5 - https://youtu.be/8HJjLHIByyc?si=ZqB57GAyJtVcwVHQ https://youtu.be/qD46E8KR_Zs?si=DtSVGYcWjCbE0UVN   https://youtu.be/VBvdmdQHWn0?si=kajBzOjwR8TPYxNl   https://youtu.be/nKUy10LFxtk?si=Z3mRqVgtsHR99L3o  https://youtu.be/nKUy10LFxtk?si=gKvfklEKTxU7EKBi 
ML : Nie Boxuan 
FL :  Yu Jialin

V6 - https://youtu.be/bA5n6B1xuDU?si=Vy-YeWktuLOyA4fn https://youtu.be/wH2ragr3GEM?si=189X0CjOLJjiPXiX https://youtu.be/WnDH3gkfwns?si=Os0CYz3qsFJGLLDM 
ML : Wang Nan
FL : Wang Xiaoyi

V7 - https://youtu.be/NUy9b6RWfyI?si=7t-FeVqKfzB5-xL- https://youtu.be/7asxgtPNgU0?si=stilN3zF6FJ2R6Lx 
ML : Xie Mingyu
FL : Zhang Xingxun




這是我看到的第八版了😂 還有哪版是我沒看過的,請補充😊
1. 喬佳樂&張珊:醉吻夜,她一撒嬌傑驁大佬心狂跳
2. 王譯磊&張若辰:撒嬌女人最好命
3. 李柏言&王槿:醉釣京枝
4. 王鑫&胡程耀:你如星月璀璨
5. 聶博宣&喻嘉琳:請讓我越界
6. 王楠&王小藝:春日攀京枝
7. 謝茗宇&張幸運
8. 張北淅&淺柔:醉釣京枝(醉吻夜)


Shh i don't talk to trash had me on the floor 🤣🤣 best line of the whole show😂😂


This is one of my favorite plots, this wasn’t bad but also wasn’t amazing compared to the other ones. And the scenes weren’t edited right. The writers need to learn that when a plot is popular just stick with that. This one felt rushed. I could watch the same exact plot over and over with different actors if it’s good. I saved my favorite ones that really show how in love the ML was and how the FL fell for him and Ofcourse how real the intimacy was.


sometimes i think i'm going to marry an asian especially a chinese because these dramas leave me speechless 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ah.. why did they dubbed Ml voice his real voice was so good deep kinda seductive 😢


Hope this ML lead team up with pretty zouyi pls ❤❤❤❤❤


1:11:42 long white skirt, 1:12:00 short white skirt, 1:12:50 back to long white skirt lol I don’t know why I noticed but it confused me for a min😅 but ML is one of the actors I like


I enjoyed watching. I probably watched all versions of this plot . The actors/actresses are paired wounderfuly...Thank you!


The 9th version of my favorite plot ❤❤


Love this drama! What makes it absolutely one of the best is the male lead Zhang Beixi! I cannot get enough of him! He is nice to watch! And his voice… I love his voice! He plays so many different roles and plays them so well. But my favorite roll of his is when he plays a roll he is in love with the fl. His facial expressions are to die for! He really is a great actor! 

If I have one problem with this drama… it is not really the drama per se but the way the episodes were put together. They were not in order so I had to jump ahead and then fall back and then jump ahead just to watch them in order. Made it kind of unenjoyable. Other than that.. well written well acted. This is another version of this drama. The first one I say is really good also! I like both versions.


Same story with different actors.  I found this one especially cute. 🎉


This story is always intersting to watch but clips are too in disorder😣😣


9:11 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 這一幕我真的笑死, 為什麼男二仰望的時候,有一種跟男主最萌身高差的感覺, 笑到停不下來


Zhang Beixi is one of my favorite ML s he made this version of the drama watchable.




I never expected this to have so many versions
1st version - Qiao Jiale x Zhang Shan ( https://youtu.be/tVGqzRzEE0k or https://youtu.be/iwXtMKQzD8c or https://youtu.be/M4Dxa8KSh3E or https://youtu.be/6xRvRl7YxBg )
2nd version - Wang Yilei x Zhang Ruochen ( taken down guyz 😭💔 )
3rd version - Li Boyan x Wang Jin ( https://youtu.be/CYeyhJHUJRk or https://youtu.be/qoEdr8Xp1c0 )
4th version - Wang Xin x Lei Xiaomi ( https://youtu.be/Y_1csLFV32k or https://youtu.be/jTrBKvdDD0E )
5th version - Nie Boxuan x Yu Jialin ( https://youtu.be/8HJjLHIByyc or https://youtu.be/nKUy10LFxtk or https://youtu.be/VBvdmdQHWn0 )
6th version - Wang Nan x Wang Xiaoyi ( https://youtu.be/OGMLm3FJeE8 or https://youtu.be/WnDH3gkfwns or https://youtu.be/bA5n6B1xuDU )
7th version - Xie Mingyu x Zhang Xingxun ( https://youtu.be/7asxgtPNgU0 or https://youtu.be/NUy9b6RWfyI )
8th version - Zhang Beixi x Qian Ruo (this one)

The plot has changed drastically over the time tho. I like the previous version more, even though Zhang Beixi is one of my fav


This is the nth version but still interesting esp with Zhang Beixi as ML but havinh sequence of the scenes are all jumbled up is soooo annoying!

