
-1 isnt gonna be cold enough to properly freeze anything solid i think


As a Canadian-1 is crazy for the coldest day


You have to freeze it for longer like a few days not one day


This guy has done everything in the worst possible way. It feels like that school assignment you just want to get over with.


I dont know why these balloons give me a nostalgic feeling.


You could see the water moving and was like “nah gotta cut it open see how it froze”


Canadians chilling at -20 on a daily basis


the Sawdust and Ice was actually used to make Bulletproof embankments in cold sites. as well as SHIPS!

also the balloons would freeze better if you make a Hardware Cloth Shelf to get them off the ground. the ground provides a surprising amount of heat.


Canadians out here going “YOU DON’T NOW THE MEANING OF COLD”

And we’re right.


If you shred pices of papper and fill upp lika half the ballon with paper and then put water and freeze it it won't break


What you're attempting to make is something called Pykrete. The British initially attempted to use it to make an aircraft carrier, but didn't follow through with it, but it's strong enough to deflect bullets


Antarctica laughing in the corner
-90 degrees celsuis 😂


Guys it’s in Fahrenheit not Celsius. Look at the weather! It goes from 16 to -1, and there’s a ton of snow outside, not snowed in one night of 30F


in Wisconsin, we hit -30 the other day. -1 is nothing


Try mixing in some sawdust next time. It will make it way more durable and make it so they melt way slower.

When I said add in some sawdust, what I meant was to add a lot of it. They tried using this trick in the 40s, and it resulted in a material called pykrete.


“-1 is the coldest we have had all year!”

Me in Canada where it’s -38 right now


It’s not cold enough. Come to Idaho we got -43 the other day ❤


As  a Canadian -1 is NOTHING we have like -20 in winter it’s FREEZING 🥶


-1 (assuming Celsius) being the coldest temperature for you ALL YEAR is still warm imo


Sadly, it was a really warm winter here in Illinois tomorrow it’s literally gonna be 60