
Every day i thank God for you, bob proctor, neville Goddard, earl nightingale, joe dispenza…. Currently on day 16 on the Magic book, I am so happy & grateful to have found you. You guys are a gift from the Universe ✨ thank you for all you do!! 💕


It's very true. All of the major manifestations that I had in my life happened when I stopped obsessing about those. I visualised them, wrote about them in journal, thanked the Universe for it and then (well, not consciously at first, but in later instamces I did consciously) I just let it go, I went on with my life as usual. And then BAM! The moment I least expected it to happen, the manifestation happened into my life!


You need to visualize more than just once.visualization on a regular basis is what will change the energy and attract what you want to you.what you need to let go of is the idea that you don’t yet have it.that’s what you have to let go of.and pretend it is already done.but you have to keep visualizing to create the new reality.not just once.it’s the feeling of wanting and not having that you have to let go.


Quote from Neville Goddard " when satisfaction is reached, impotence follows. When the feeling of reality is yours ,you are mentally impotent. The desire to repeat the act of visualization is lost, having been replaced by the feeling of accomplishment.  You cannot persist in wanting something you already have. However if you don't reach the point of satisfaction, repeat the action over and over again until as though you feel you  touched it and virtue went out of you "


Yes you do let go of it. It’s already done. Trust the process. Holding on to the idea of your manifestations creates resistance. Carry the Attitude of Gratitude on a daily basis.




So, 2 days back, I visualised holding 2 currency notes of 500 rupees and I let it go after feeling satisfied. Yesterday my aunt who we haven’t heard from for years came to visit us and gave me an envelope as a gift for Diwali festival and that envelope had 2 notes of 500 rupees and I was holding those notes in my hand, exactly like I imagined. So, I that’s how I manifested 1000 rupees in 24 hours. I now have no doubts that I can have all I want in my life. Thank you Rhonda… for everything you taught us! I am beyond grateful.❤❤❤


Your laughter and joy is SO beautiful Rhonda.


whoever is reading this, just go read rapid manifestation secrets by marie runner. i just keep reading this book in phases


Rhonda Byrnes did an awesome work with the secret, and to her belief system visualizing once, is enough but for a lot of people visualizing everyday will create a pattern of thinking like “ I already have it “ because our mind can’t tell the difference between real and unreal, so if you Have a strong belief system, yes do once and forget it,  but if you are someone who is getting started, visualize everyday, because the more you do the more you want to have it therefore the more action you take towards it.


I'm so grateful to you Rhonda. You changed my life and gave it depth through reminding me techniques I had mastered lifetimes ago. Thank you for the secret. Most importantly thank you for sharing it with the whole world when anyone else would prefer to keep it a secret. It shed light and clarified a lot of things that tend to bother the mind. Now life is peaceful there is no anxiety or fear of what is to come, how to prepare. My deepest gratitude 🙏🙏🙏🙏🕉⛤♾👑🙋Namaste from Fiji. I really loved the way you kept giggling. I could see in your eyes memory lane and the journey you took to reach your current position of how it was for you in the beginning. Very inspiring. We will meet very soon.


14 Life-Tips I wish I Knew In My 20s:

1. Marry the right one
2. Don't Lie, ever
3. Learn to be Brave
4. Learn to Say No
5. Be curious about everything (ask questions)
6. Develop a Code and Live By It
7. Be Patient with Yourself (but put in the work)
8. Learn to Listen
9. Avoid Debt (big one! if you want to make some moolah!)
10. Seek out a Mentor
11. Develop a Space to Confined In and Ask Questions
12. Be Kind, Be Compassionate
13. World changes constantly, keep an open mind
14. Stop Nail-biting & nail-picking habit and get back your healthy, good looking nails(we got you!)

Take it easy and I hope you found one thing helpful in this list.


Gratitude is rich and successful life .thanks Ronda


I don't visualize unless it FEELS good, once I know it's done I no longer desire to visualize it anymore. So as long as it feels good to visualize, I will enjoy the journey. I have always manifested everything like God, I don't even write things on paper.


Once I thought of having my favourite snack. I imagined unconsciously how it will feel to eat that food. I felt the taste. I was satisfied. Then I forgot about the food. After 45 minutes my mother gave me that food😳 I didn't even asked her for this. She was not even aware of my wish. This type of situation happened twice. 🤔 I was shocked.

Once I thought of sending a text to my friend. I even visualised unconsciously then I completely forgot. Then the next day he send me the text 🤔

So clearly letting go of the desire after visualisation will manifest sooner.


I attracted this video 🤗 very happy to see Rhonda ma'am here, she's a blessing to this universe and her books have really changed the way I look towards the world.


You are God sent Rhonda. I love you and your teachings so much. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! XOXO!  :)


That's right, when we forget means you don't need it and you get all the things you don't need. As soon you "need" it, game over.


I am happy & grateful whatever I ask was being received. Yesterday I was visualising to receive Christmas gift, surprisingly I received 2 parcels to my house. I am so grateful 😇


I visualize... Myself Married to Great Good Loyal Man who is Rich and takes care of me and treats me like His Queen..I'm blessed with fulfilling all my goals