“Average speed of about 150mph” bro said that with confidence 💀
“Captain how do u score?” “Idk just throw the ball around”
The goal is to break the bulletproof glass panels 😂
They really loved saying it’s as “hard as a rock”🤣
I saw about 45 mph not 150mph
Ball was bout to come back and sting him for the 🧢 at the end
These are exactly what I’d expect jai-alai players to look like
Sounds like one of those sports I made up as a child on a staircase with a ball💀
Brodie cappin so hard 💀💀💀💀
The second homie paused when he realized the lines he was reading. They did him dirty. 😭😭😭😭
I think this sport is really gonna take off big time. I’m gonna get Sterling Cooper to do an ad campaign for it.
“Um sir how do u score?” “Yes.”
He was the kid who lied about the dumbest things possible in elementary school
“We’re not athletic enough to stay agile with pads”
Famous last words: We gotta be fast and agile so we don’t wear pads when we play Jai-Alai
You could tell first bro was lying the way he read those lines 💀
TRON was one of my favorite movies growing up, so this warms my heart ngl
Dude gave it everything he had and it still peaked at MAYBE 50 mph
Jai alai is dope af