Thanks so much for your insights. Sounds spot on to me.
Bill Holter “Silver will be Gold on steroids”
Going there and seeing what looks like gold could be seeing what isn't gold. That is, is it real or fake? So, it has to be examined. And even if it is there, how many times has it been leased out? Who holds the lease? And, again, if it's physically there then who actually owns it?
Don't be stupid. Let's assume the gold supply was low. Do you think the Gov would admit it? NOT!
I hold silver strictly for the purpose of preserving my wealth I’m not counting on doubling my wealth, although that would be ok, but to at least to keep up with inflation paper money is just going to keep falling down and I’m hoping my silver will stop doing the same,
Ask Germany if they think the gold is all there. Only took 7 years to "find" their gold bars.
What matters much more than Ft. Knox, is Ending the FED.
The average person has lived a hypnotized life not relating to gold and silver as the basis for ALL real money and without it society fails in financial exchange. Your paper assets mean nothing without it. The ignorance is dangerous at this point in time.
Too many comments got deleted, i wonder how come ? ? ? .
Purity of the gold in Fort Knox is another important factor. Some of that gold is 70 or 80 years old. The purity standard now is higher than it used to be….🤔😉👍🏻👍🏻🇨🇦
The Dollar is not backed by gold, it is a Fiat currency, not backed by anything.
According to the United States Treasury report the other half of the gold is located at West Point. Go make sure it’s really there.
The amount of gold in Ft Knox is immaterial; what is material is "who owns the gold".
Another metals genius! Silver is in a race to the bottom! Good call Rafi!
It’s not only Fort Knox. -The Federal Reserve in New York, and in Denver and at a vault in Westpoint are the other important storage places. All need to be audited simultaneously, to prevent hanky-panky.
Is it possible to purchase some of the bars of silver from a mint or private seller , your showing in the video
I hold silver, but 1000% gain in one day is a bit of a stretch.
If there is no Gold in Fort Knox it means that it was all Looted long ago
When inflation is high FED had no choice but to raise interest rate in order to bring inflation down and you think about what actually causes inflation its a sharp increases in prices of our goods and services and really housing cost is probably the main driver of the inflation. Before 2020 Average household in Ontario spends 35% for housing and now have to spend more than 65% and keep rising. Personally, my investment portfolio has flourished under the expert guidance of Kathleen Eisen, yielding over $390k in just nine weeks. In these uncertain times, remember the old adage: fortune indeed favors the bold!