
Imagine the feeling of being told rasul is waiting for you for iftar in jennah. May Allah guide us all


“I will bring to you men who love death, as you love life.”
-Khalid ibn al-Walid (R.A,)


That's so touching... Subhanallah, if dying, then only this way Inshaallah


Every time remembering his story i cry


One of the most sad but happy at the same time stories of my life


The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi immediately after each prescribed prayer, there will be nothing standing between him and his entering Paradise except death.”


Jazallahu anna Saiyidina Muhammad saw mahuwa ahlul ❤❤❤




May Allah give us a good end in this life and make us people of Jannah


May Allah bless you and your whole team for all these wonderful efforts to strengthen our imān āmīn 🤲🏻


СубханАллах ❤


SubhanAllah 😭❣️


Subhanallah 💙


Waiting for it hamdoulilah…




Subhan Allah ❤


الله أكبر❤


Subhan Allah, MashaAllah




Subhanallah ❤❤❤