Adding your own day counter and no coords is wild.
Hello everyone! Hope you're all have a great day :D
whats one thing you wish you could add to bedrock Minecraft hardcore?
Always excited to see a new Blooh video :)
4:16 use it
For Villager trader system in Bedrock They (Dev) arrange this base on the birth :v First adult villager take first Job_blocks and so on So when ever you place job_block there will any green particles to pointing that job_block already taken by early adult villager So yeah, you need to find him in range of village without breaking the job_blocks
No day counter or coords is crazy work
Love the vids keep up the good work
A little tip: When you mine with another pickaxe instead of iron it saved you a lot of iron, although it is slightly slower you do save iron and can waste it on something else.
Ancient debries mining 4 hour test of every method in last place at 53.2 per hour bed mining in 3rd strip mining at 56.4 per hour in 2nd place tnt at 102.3 per hour but in first place end crystals at 112.7 per hour why the heck do people use beds to mine ancient debries ??? It's the worst way strip mining was better it's not hard to get and craft tnt but if you make a gold farm and trade with piglins and buy ender pearls from claric villagers going to a fortress and getting a shulker full of blaze rods and making a simple gast farm at the top of the nether and make end crystals they chain explode leave a flat floor and perfect arched tunnel roof and give you the best per hour of ancient debries at 112.7 per hour people use this info if you play bedrock also prowl did the same test and got pretty much the same results bed mining was and is the worst mining sand and killing creepers or making a creeper farm for gunpowder just mine with tnt or strip mine at lvl 12 is better then beds like holy all those beds blooh and got what 17 or 18 only that's really sad dude plus you played bedrock knowing I have wanted to play with you for a Wile now playing hard core with a friend is so fun but I realized I might consider you as a friend but I'm sure you don't and that's fine I wouldn't want to play with me either if I was you and I get why I'm not a content creator I'm just some guy who watches your videos well have a good one blooh peace
18:58 floating rail 💀
Hi. Love your videos ❤
I love this video and can I please have the seed
The world's got a lot of future plans looking forward to it Any kind of bedrock content is always welcome
I feel like this was designed to challenge the way we see things! 👀
I tried to survive in bedrock without losing worlds. It's pretty impossible
Great vid! Whats the seed?
18: 30 R.I.P Lamaaa leather