
⭐ Think School’s flagship Communication course with live doubt sessions :


Loved the opening of " once a cunning man said..." Because we don't have to glorify a mass murderer like Churchill to learn from his actions. Kudos to you!


Good one... you didn't mention one thing though, when we import petroleum, that money goes to a foreign country, but when we buy ethanol from within the country, that money stays in India and comes back to the market to boost consumption and domestic economy.


As an engineer who had worked in a distillery and a refinery, ethanol is not a long term answer to fuel.  Sugar is a food product that cost much more to produce than oil from the ground. Ethanol has only 60% heating value vs. gasoline.  Besides, farm lobbies twisted Obama's hand to substitute ethanol as Octane enhancer to replace MTBE.  None of any portion of sugar cane is discarded.  My dad and friends used molasses to supplement soy sauce making.


The moment he said "you have good news" 
I lost my wifi connection...
Ethonal is not a solution..


One fundamental question: In this case study, Ganesh mentioned that the cost of petrol production is roughly ₹47, while the current petrol price in Andhra Pradesh is ₹109.75. Even if we switch entirely to ethanol, the cost variation would be only around ₹17 per liter assuming same tax from central and state govt on ethanol as on petrol.

I agree that even a ₹10 difference can have a significant impact. However, we must also consider that ethanol is only about 60% as efficient as petrol. This means that mileage and power output would be lower with ethanol, which affects its overall cost-effectiveness.


This case study is blessing...lots of positives for future India..


Repeat after me - Fuel prices are never going to go down for the common man!


Have you ever got a chance to drive an ethanol car? I was in Brazil. Car power dropped significantly. Ethanol can be the second choice...but you can't replace petrol


but sugarcane need lots of water to grow and in india there is water shortage


I think this is good that India is trying to tackle the oil solution in multiple ways. They are trying, flex fuels, biofuels, Hydrogen and EV's. If in future one of these gets ahead, we will be ready and not be dependent on other countries.


Ethanol isn't sustainable souce of energy, sugarcane needs a lot of water and also incentivises farmers to grow sugarcane while ignoring other necessary grains and commodities...


Hello @ThinkSchool, I think you missed the part where they first produced only ethanol vehicles and when the oil prices came back to normal in around 1985-87, they again became miserable. And then in 2003 they innovated, improved and introduced the flexi Vehicles to cater for both petrol and ethanol.


I worked on 3g bioethanol, and extremophilic conditions,  it have great scope. Lots of challenges,  in   mid of work circumstances make me cry to quit my work -8 years back.


Frankly Ethanol blending is not a good solution in long term. We need to focus on algae bio fuel or seaweed bio fuels. Yes it may seems expensive in short term, but have potential to be India become energy independent. 
Definitely we should look into it. Subsequently government need to take 4 steps towards energy independence -
1. Rooftop solar power to every Indian household
2. Thorium based reactor
3. Offshore windmills
4 Seaweed biofuels
If government really take these 4 initiatives, I can guarantee you that nobody can stops us to becoming super power 😊😊


india also found (17billion barrels) approx of oil in adaman and nicobar island areas which were prohibited by the government because of defence , aerospace and drdo but in 2022 they release 99% area now we also found oil of 70 years of our requirement the rig also arrived just the extraction left .
the best solution is to just found more and more oil in our unexplored areas.
Edit- one reply to people who say this oil will lead to more carbon emissions and paris agreement so western countries promised 100 billion dollar to developing countries to fight against carbon emissions but did they gave that money ? They did all the carbon emissions in the past and now want to curb it as it's not in their agenda why they don't give us nuclear technology and make us  nuclear association member so that we can shift to cleaner fuel we should extract it and make us developed when we have money our cities can be more livable as their are funds which are formerly used in buying crude


Many of us are questioning about the efficacy and affordability of the fuel. Few of us are saying the crop is water intensive. But at least we have some alternatives, In tough times it will help us to servive without being dependent on out siders. Around half kg of sugar can produce 1 liter of ethanol. Yes, Crop is water intensive but as crop is a plantation crop we can easily use drip irrigation to reduce water dependency..


You making it sounds soo amazing but infact its not.. India is already blending fuel with ethanol without telling its citizens making our average poor and engines require more service... Even if we achieve target of 20% citizens will be transferred 0% benefits as govt taxes will never comes down.. so we will continue paying more, poor average, increase car service cost while govt keeps making fortunes to pay for freebies and election


Every Think School video starts with all the positives and advantages but I have learned to be prepared for a catch. 😂 Everytime he goes "Everything seems fantastic right? But wait there's a catch"😂😂.I love his videos


Hello Ganesh, I have been following you for a very long time. Please make a video on the housing crisis in India. The price and rent of housing are increasing in India at an alarming rate and affecting the middle class a lot and no one is talking about it. Please make a video on it.