Speaking of hair grease: I began using the Anthony Dickey Method for my Wash-n-Go and my hair loves, loves, love it!! HOWEVER…It is Winter. The dryness in the air has made it necessary for me to co-wash DAILY….which is not reasonable in this cold weather. I remembered you talked about hair grease. So, I had some petroleum jelly on hand and used it to seal my twists after using leave-in and cream styler. WOW!!!!! My hair transcended anything I’ve ever seen before!!! I took the twists out and my strands are Moisturized, glorious and my ends are fabulous!! No frizziness!! Elongation is incredible!! I’m on Day 7 with NO NEED TO CO-WASH!! Thank you for sharing your expertise and words of wisdom. The petroleum jelly isn’t actually greasy…..it’s just a terrific sealer!! 🥰❤️
This was a great session. Your hair is growing. I can't wait for my hair to grow back.
I caught the replay. I appreciate your honesty and your knowledge when it comes to not just hair and scalp but the overall health of each individual. You spoke about chronic inflammation, hormones and vitamin and mineral deficiencies which does play major roles in the health of an individual regardless of how well one might maintain their hair. Thank you for encouraging those with hair and scalp issues as well as health issues to seek a trained professional related to their health issues. I am thanking you because sometimes people will make these types of videos and place everyone in the same category making their advice generic as opposed to their answers fitting the needs based on each individual. May God continue to bless you to grow in the knowledge that you have and may you continue to find favor with Him to grow your channel for the good of your community for His name sake. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays✝️🙂💜.
Hey. Tonya. You're radiant with beauty.
Just watched the replay. Always get info. Happy holidays!
You really encourage your platform with the best hair goals. I follow all you recommend. Thank you ☺️
When I was young I use to ride around in a convertible or cars with open moon roofs and my hair would turn brown. I thought it looked cute. Meanwhile little did I know it was really damaging. I knew the wind was.
Thanks for the replay, because I missed the live! I was out at a movie! Lol. Great video as always! ♥️♥️♥️
Love your channel! Is there any benefit to DIY avocado hair masks? What recipe works best(dry hair and scalp)? ❤
Thanks! I enjoyed the replay 🎄😍
What is CH? Thank you so much for this video!
You are Beautiful 💫👼
Thyroid? Usually, you need Vitamin D. Ask your Doctor 😇 blessings 🙏