If you struggle, remember this: It is happening for a REASON. Be patient, be strong! "Life gives us our greatest gifts, brilliantly disguised as our worst nightmare" - David Icke
To the person who is struggling to be their greatest version: This has been a difficult journey for you my friend. I know you've spent so much time dwelling on what you should be doing, and thinking about the person you should be. You've always been a dreamer and that's so beautiful. Own that. But I know sometimes that gap between who you are and who you want to be can seem impossible to cross. Here's what I need you to know. You've spent enough time beating yourself up, holding yourself to an impossible standard. I need you to realize that right now, in this moment, you are exactly who you are supposed to be, and you are perfect dear one. Close your eyes and see if you can realize this this now... I free you from this curse of never feelng like enough. You are so much more than enough. So take a deep breath, and relax... you're exactly where you're supposed to be. The lessons you are here to learn and the emptiness ypu sometimes feel are serving you in a way that is far greater than you could possibly imagine. You are loved dear one. With infinite love -the Universe AKA... you.
If you read this, doesn't matter where you are right now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful night and a happy peaceful life where all your dreams become true. 🙌❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
If you found this comment, just know that a stranger out there in the world somewhere is smiling your way. Hang in there my friend across time -- you'll get through this.
no matter what you had done in your life, you can always forgive yourself, love yourself and move on.
6 years now been using this…I can attest this most definitely works. This is something special,..use in practice my friends.💯👍🏼✨
The person who is reading this comment , i wish you great success , health, love and happiness ! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🌷🌷🌷🌷
This is the best detox and cleansing aura I've seen so far... and that it's duration happens to be 1:11:11 this is the big break the universe has been preparing me for. I am healed, I am healthy and I am alive and well. These are my manifestations. I am free of any ailments, disease or sicknesses. They are gone forever. Ase
This is the only frequency that calms my anxiety and heals my pain at the same time, my aura gets infected sometimes and I feel the shift after listening to this, honestly im so alone right now, and im my love life is conflicting, i have a twin flame but the relationship is kinda suffering, please pray for me, please send me encouragement, we all need it.
I want the negative energy to be filled with positive energy. No evil can or will hurt me. I'm protected with LOVE and POSITIVITY. I am love, i am greatful i am Light. Bless you all.
I just need a hug and someone to tell mi everything is going to be just fine. This music gave it to me. ❤💚💙💗💖💛💜💟
Здравствуйте! Мне понравился Ваш канал! Слушаю Ваши музыкальные шедевры уже несколько дней ❤ чувствую себя лучше! Спасибо за Ваше творчество ❤ Благодарю ❤
I am pure and clean like the crystal blue water of the ocean.
This guy Aurthor is on a roll.. I love you, man.. I love all who read this and all who never see this.
Bless the hands that make this meditation video, it was so peaceful And calming.
40 mins. in and i'm feeling much better already.I'm an empath and can get bogged down with other peoples emotions and energy this helps a lot thanks!!!!!
If you find yourself reading this message, know that you are infinitely beautiful, important & loved. You have all the potential in you. You have already the keys to unlock your potential. You just have to be willing to use those keys to unlock your power. So go and heal yourself. Do whatever it takes. It's worth it!! I believe in you! Be yourself, love yourself and accept who you are right now, then move on! Life is changing all the time. Many blessings and peace. 💙
I so love the comment section...full of positivity ♥️♥️♥️it makes me realize we all are connected