
Very well spoken talking points in the video and the way you format the builds with that graphic is just beautiful my friend <3. Thanks for these


i hope your channel blows up. the effort in making the build screens instead of just taking screenshots is insane


Nice way to present the build, i really like the presentation and the overview on every armor, talismans, augments and skills


I have bow as my secondary weapon but I’ve been really not that confident in using it, usually Sns. But this is real big help in building my knowledge and confidence in using bow. 
Been struggling with it coz of my lack of knowledge.
Best guide I’ve seen so far! 
Thank yOu so much!


You’ve been my go to for bow builds and info since I started playing world. Thanks tidus 🙏


Another day, another amazing video Tidus. Thank you so much man.


The only thing that would make this video better is timestamps, other than that, this is fantastic.


Great video as always. Very informative.


I knew it... As soon as I saw Adrenaline Rush's description I was like "Oh oh oh that's the new META right there!"


Amazing video as always, so informative and concise. I really appreciate having multiple sets in here for those of us who do not like living life on edge of health bars.


Great info as always, I have been filling around with the qurio stuff and the ring is a pita.


Tidus doin god's work as always🙏


Love you and your channel Tidus, very well done.


The grind to mr100 so I can make use of these builds , though must say I am a fan of the non suicide builds , thanks for providing both options and tuned for more builds


Thank you for the amazing video! Very well presented and put together! Friendly sidenote which might also lead to less confusion and more clarity. Archfiend is pronounced differently than Arc. The "ch" in arch is pronounced like starch, porch or pouch and not like a "normal" k as in arc. Keep up the good work tidus! Always looking forward to your vids!


Great video Tidus! Your build are always a warranty! Now, I'm using all the armor of Sil. Rathalos, for all element, but especially for the Fire bow, because is a really good DPS, it's very close to the damage of my old suicide builds(i think because I haven't a good/god talisman), and also is very consistent. But now I think I have to change my build😂


I just made my first ever bow build based off of this video and I'm having a blast! Thanks very much! 🙏


Hey Tidus, 
Thanks for your new sets, these are awesome :) Through the new Narga armour I’m finally able to dodge through attacks and can start to play with dodge bolt and omg is the dmg high with your builds 🙈


Glad to have found a fellow bow user. Thank you for going over that as well. Looking forward to my progress in sunbreak and hope to have something similar in the future. I'll make it my own for sure, Just need to visit a couple of friends of mine from Generations first... :)
(Seregios and Gore hehe)


Woo! the Meta video! Always a fan for your content.

As elemental weapon being so popular in sunbreak, I would love to see a in depth guide on elemental damage. Maybe a idea for your future content.

For example...I have always been curious on how much raw/elemental damage is put together when bow hits a yellow damage. (Does elemental damage crit on its own then add onto the yellow number)

And I see the specific elemental deco being ingored often...is the 20% increase poor gain or the way the damage is calculated being not worthy?