
I’m starting a support group for people who just wanted to buy a coffee and accidentally became a referee in a Karen showdown!


The gas be costing more that the windshield


$5.19 is crazy😂😂


shes perfect. i dont need to fix anything.


Bro he went straight to the gas’s price not paying any attention to the windshield getting shattered


No wonder why she’s so pissed look at those gas prices


The Karens are evolving… their actually fit


Paid $5.77 yesterday, Northern California


Honestly who cares about the windshield when you need to worry about gas thats 5.19


I think in know where that is😂😂😂


She should be in the army


That's Hella expensive


“At least it wasn’t a fat lady” in the comment section 😂😂😂😂😂


Thats 2000% a Courtney.


I be mad too if gas was 5.19


She just locked her baby and keys that’s all, she’s not trying to hurt anyone.😅


Could fix her for sure


California like LA or some shit


I don't even own a car. Why would I need to fix her?


Well, you can but it's illegal