
I'm sleeping in the church tower,In town.


Is there anything more satisfying for the soul than watching freshly falling snow? Serenity in every snowdrop. Have a great day everyone ❤️


I would love to be in that cabin this is truly bliss


Winter is beautiful!!! I saw a photograph coffee table book on Amazon about this season full of beautiful photos and is gorgeous!


This is my favorite blizzard on YouTube


Agreed…..peace and tranquility to be inside that cabin right now!!


Сегодня сложно, и завтра тоже будет непросто. Но послезавтра все будет хорошо. Я надеюсь, что ты остаешься позитивным в жизни. Спасибо за вашу музыку для исцеления моей души


This is my favorite blizzard.😴


The setting is quite suitable when I relax in the dark with the lights off, the sound is so relaxing


Home ❤, here is where my spirit belongs 💜💙!
Blessed be 🔥💜


Love the sounds  always helps me go to sleep 😴 .......God Bless.....Also wish i had a cabin just like that in a snowy place 😉


The only sound that actually makes me fall asleep I used to twist and turn every single night sleep in 3 or 4 hours ever since I started listening to this I could sleep at least seven or eight hours daily thank you for the beautiful sounds of nature created by Lord Jesus ty for posting ❤


When I lived in the mountains of Flagstaff AZ, I loved when we’d get a huge storm with my Pot Belly stove lit and watching the snow fall gently.  It’s the best feeling knowing you’re secure and warm in your home.


Thats beautiful wish i were their now😊


The sound of the snowstorm brings a sense of peace amid the chaos


I love this ambiance video. It helps me stay calm.


I was born during a blizzard in -45  degrees Celsius. I’ve moved away after 18 years to a place that rains all winter, and while I love it here, I miss the snow terribly. Winter isn’t the same without the snow storms.


Thanks for sharing helps me fall asleep with severe tinnitus ❤


Listening to the snowstorm, I feel like I'm in a cozy cabin amidst snowy mountains, completely isolated from the outside world


This reminds me of the steppe and taiga, in a good way. Where I was born and raised. Thank you.