
Though I've been following Dr. Berry for a few years, I just finished reading his book, "Lies My Doctor Told Me". Such a great, great book! I plan to give copies to friends and family as Christmas gifts this year. I just started "Common Sense Labs". What a treasure this guy is! Thank you Dr. Berry.


My high blood pressure went down when I stopped going to the doctor.


YES!  I lived the mis-diagnosed aldosteronism nightmare!

Took my doctor FOUR YEARS of ADDING blood pressure meds to my cocktail to get me up to EIGHT different BP meds & diuretics, PER DAY-- I could barely get out of bed in the morning cuz of all the side effects, and my BP was STILL "emergency" high, EVERY DAY...

After FOUR YEARS of this madness, he FINALLY sent me to a kidney specialist who diagnosed the problem in ONE visit -- a benign tumor, an "aldosteronoma" on my adrenal gland! Had the tumor removed, the adrenal gland stapled closed, and my secondary HBP was CURED!

Not before losing a very successful photography business AND a marriage in the process though. I'm sure some of it was how poorly I was able to handle the whole thing, but this misdiagnosis pretty much changed the course of my entire life.

17 years later last year, my BP started to go up again. Went on Carnivore a year ago, lost 60 pounds, blood pressure is PERFECT again, with NO meds.

Thanks, Doc. You are more appreciated than you'll EVER know.


I just got my lab results, it's the best test results I've ever got. No more blood pressure, no fatty liver, no deficiencies, not a single one! Thank you!!! 2 years carnivore. It's the best thing I've ever ever done.


My husband turned down his blood pressure, snoring, and apnea in 2 weeks on 100% carnivore diet🎉


I’m a retired nurse practitioner and I can’t remember the last time anyone took my blood pressure correctly without me correcting their errors, yes! Usually more than one. It’s aggravating.


Why can't all doctors explain medical issues as well as you do Dr. Berry!  Thank you!


I was always a 120/80 girl until I hit mid 50s & had abt 15 lbs to lose add in severe white coat issues. He pushed meds but I refused, knowing instinctively I didn’t need it. Went keto, some of the lbs went & then I went carnivore & problem solved


I have white coat syndrome.  Blood pressure is fine at home. Same for my mother, who was on all the meds and turned out she didn’t need any of them. Same for my father in law. He was so over medicated he kept fainting. Since he got a new doctor and adjusted meds he is so much better all round.


Keto is good for everything that troubles this 71 year old grandma: Type 2, depression/anxiety, high blood pressure, gall stones. Keto for the rest of my life! I have learned so much from Dr. Berry. My son introduced me to his videos when I was considering bilateral knee replacement. My knees feel great now.


I gave blood for over 22 years. Almost 4 times a year. I drank coffee since I was 5. I've been struck by lightning, broken numerous bones, etc... I was feeling hot inside. I never got cold. Didn't drink a lot of water. I could go on. Blood pressure went up a year after I gave up caffeine and stopped giving blood because of scare tissue and rolling veins. Otherwise healthy. Blood pressure went up. Doctor didn't want to hear about my past, didn't want to know about my observations. Only wanted to give me meds. I never get headaches, barely take 2 aspirin a year.  Generally have no pains or discomforts. So as respectfully as I could I said 'no' to meds. I exercise, eat well and drink well. About 7 pounds heavier than high school. Not starting some meds to 'train' my body. I'll exercise more if needed. I do acupuncture and massage once a month too. Works for me.


I had hypertension since i was a teenager, not knowing i developed hodgkin lymphoma cancer until i was diagnosed at 26 yrs of age. Thanks Dr.Berry, it clears up all the mysteries and i am on carnivore diet for 2 yrs now. At first my heart was pounding in different rhythm but now it calms as a sea. 😊


My healthy and fit 40 yr old sister suddenly developed high BP. Multiple dr visits and tests revealed no known cause. She was ultimately diagnosed with anxiety and they prescribed several anti anxiety drugs ALL THE WHILE  I KNEW she didn't suffer from anxiety. I kept encouraging her to see another dr and she bounced around from cardiologist to neurologists to rheumatoligists to multiple ER visits and nothing. Her symptoms grew worse and worse each year, and she was repeatedly told by all the EXPERTS it was all in her head. Finally a female internist TOOK THE TIME, 45 min, to listen to her and said she had a hunch what it was. She ordered a 24 hr urine test. She had a large pheochromocytoma tumor on her adrenal gland. She had endured YEARS of being told she was a psy patient, given psy drugs. She had it removed by s special team at USSF but still suffers from the after effects of it not  being addressed early on. Blood pressure returned to normal right after surgery. None of her drs EVER apologized for scoffing at her.


I was given medication for elevated blood pressure (initially measured at 155). However, after experiencing unusual symptoms within three days, I decided to discontinue the medication and explore an alternative approach. It's essential to acknowledge that doctors are knowledgeable, but proactive research before appointments is crucial(I didn't do my homework).So  I opted for dietary changes, eliminating foods known to increase blood pressure, and gradually increased my exercise routine. I'm pleased to report that my blood pressure has improved to 126.Dr. Ken Berry and Dr. Sanjay Gupta videos about blood pressure were insightful and very helpful.


Let your medicine be the food and let the food be your medicine.


Found the proper human diet by looking at diet to lower my huband's blood pressure that had gone from normal to very high in less than 2 years..(Sleep apnea)....thanks Dr. Berry!  He went Keto under 20 carbs, lost 30 pounds, got rid of 1 blood pressure med, improved his sleep apnea and can fit into his basic training uniform from 30 years ago!


I can not thank you enough, Dr. Berry. I've been carnivore for 5 years, but my blood pressure is still out of control. Unfortunately, my cardiologist refuses to order any lab work for me. I do have thyroid issues, so I'll ask my primary care physician to refer me to an endocrinologist. Thank you for giving me a direction to go in.


My husband had secondary hypertension, his doctor was less then helpful just wanted to start medication right away we did the research we could and got a different doctor and he did a full "good" work up and he told us that my husband had  extremely low vitamin d3 started a liquid supplement and within  two weeks it was normal levels again.


I started seeing a GP last year. He listens to my heart and lungs and looks in my ears. Besides blood work, that's the extent of my physical every year.


My hubby & I just had an argument about this last night! His BP was out of control & his doctor had tried multiple different combinations of meds. Then he checked the A1C, although labs showed glucose just over 100 every time, and said he was prediabetic. Gave hubby a choice of meds or diet. That started our eating change. He never took diabetes meds and got off all BP meds until he had a stroke at 70 (unknown cause) and those docs put him on a bunch (which after a couple years he quit most again). We've been regressing in our eating for the last few months and his BP has gotten erratic again. Time to quit cheating on the dessert carbs and get back to healthier keto again. He's 74 and i want to keep him around & healthy for more years!

Thanks & Blessings from Deborah in West Virginia!