
Caught his ass slippin 🤣


"Can't believe Brad's blaming his bad decisions on Mercury retrograde again. Dude, it's not the planets, it


I don’t know, he seems a little TOO defensive about it 😂


Sarah caught you out Brad ha ha hah😂


The way she sat down like okay daddy after dude said calm down I’m dead lolol and rock hard


❤Sarah ❤ always so stunning


I’ve watched this 10 times already and I’m still getting inspired! 💥


He got mad 😂


It’s dope watching the love between you two.Big bro little sis energy.


Spiritual Boi😂


Brad probably has a rock collection and is guided by the stars 😂😂😂


Truly a masterpiece, just wow.


Sara is so beautiful ❤️


Crazy ass 🤣🤣🤣


Hahahah got emmmmmm😂😂😂


Pure beauty, simply breathtaking.


Bad daddy braddy


These 2 😇👍


Just make brad feel like he's The only one you'll ever want. Make him feel secure and you guys will be dating.
If you like him, I think you do


Brad was off the gummies