
Ah, yes. Prior to my anxiety causing activities. Because I can see into the future


Seriously awesome off label though. I have PTSD. I love that it does not make me foggy and sleepy. Social events and outings in busy places are so much better now.


I’m prescribed this in an extended release format and it works great!


Half my pharmacy school friends were prescribed this for presentations, speaking, etc. works very well for certain individuals. A lot better to maintain a normal state of mind compared to benzos


Propranolol worked really well for me! I told my doctor that I didn’t want to be on anything that I might become reliant on (i have a history of abusing meds) and he prescribed that to me and it helped a lot :)


hydroxyzine is a great anti-anxiety med too


I lost my  job  yesterday now so am worried i know i will get another one soon but still having anxiety , can i take these before interview?


I have Hydroxyzine for temporary anxiety relief


Hey doc can i have 10 mg proponalol  bfor hitting gym?..i have health anxiety n increased heart rate due to moderate workout gives me anxiety


Seems his lawyers did not advise him to make this meme


Can a 3D printed quarter work in a vending machine?


It did not help me. I just got tired.


10 - 80 mg to anything that'll cause anxiety? Cool....life


But I’ll take a perky perky😂


This guy is not gay, ok guys?


Percocet is NONE of any of the things you just mentioned……. Weird intro…🤨


Shit I’ll take a perk… 🫴🏻